Their last stage song collaboration in 1941 was "Raq el Habib" ("The lover's heart softens"), one of her most popular, intricate, and high-caliber songs. September 2020 um 06:38 Uhr bearbeitet. Mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch ihren Vater nahm sie Gesangsunterricht, lernte das Spiel der Ud, erneuerte ihr Repertoire und nahm spätestens 1924/1925 erstmals auf. It is speculated that this was due in part to the popular failure of the movie Aida, in which Umm Kulthum sings mostly Qasabgi's compositions, including the first part of the opera. Über die Jahrzehnte führte Umm Kulthum ihre Karriere erfolgreich weiter fort, ihr Ruhm wuchs dabei kontinuierlich, und sie wurde allmählich zu einem nationalen Symbol. 1928 galt sie bereits als eine der führenden Sängerinnen der Stadt. If you have full concerts by Umm Kulthum in DVD format, please contact me! [citation needed], In 1944, King Farouk I of Egypt decorated her with the highest level of orders (nishan el kamal),[4] a decoration reserved exclusively to members of the royal family and politicians. Following the foundation of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)in 1971, she staged several concerts upon invitation of its first president Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan to celebrate the event.[35]. (Müzik Bilimleri Serisi, Edt. 1920 jedoch begegnete sie Scheich Zakariyya Ahmad, dem sie vorsang; er sagte, er „konnte seitdem ihre Stimme nicht mehr vergessen“;[3] er verschaffte ihr Engagements in Kairo und versuchte sie dorthin zu holen. He taught her to adapt her voice to the meaning and the melody in a traditional Arabic aesthetic. Umm Kulthum is regarded as one of the greatest singers in the history of Arab music,[38] with significant influence on a number of musicians, both in the Arab World and beyond. Following she joined as a supporting voice, at the beginning just repeating what the others sung. Her funeral procession became a national event, with around 4 million[36] grief-stricken Egyptians lining the streets to catch a glimpse as her cortège passed. In 1924, she was introduced to the poet Ahmed Rami,[15] who was to write 137 songs for her and also introduced her to French literature eventually becoming her head mentor in Arabic literature and literary analysis. "Contralto". Jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat zog ihre Musik die Massen in allen arabischen Ländern in ihren Bann. Februar 1975 z Kairo; arabisch أم كلثوم, DMG ʾUmm Kulṯūm, Ägyptisch-Arabisch ʾUmm Kalsūm, Alternativschriibwiise under anderem Oum Kalsoum und Umm Kultum; äigentlig ʾUmm Kulṯūm Fātima ʾIbrāhīm as-Sayyid al-Baltaǧī) isch en egüptischi Sängere und Musikere gsi. Februar 1975 in Kairo; arabisch أمّ كلثوم‎, DMG ʾUmm Kulṯūm, Ägyptisch-Arabisch ʾUmm Kalsūm, Alternativschreibweisen unter anderem Oum Kalsoum und … "Listening to Umm Kulthūm.". The duration of Umm Kulthum's songs in performance was not fixed as upon the audience request for more repetitions, she would repeat the lines requested at length and her performances usually lasted for up to five hours, during which three songs were sung. Jehan Sadats Geschichte ist die ehrliche und leidenschaftliche Schilderung eines Lebens als emanzipierte Mohammedanerin, Patriotin, Ehefrau und Mutter - eine Autobiographie aus der Welt des Islam, die in ihrer Art bisher einzigartig ist. Ihr Ruhm in der arabischen Welt ist mit dem von Maria Callas und der Beatles in der westlichen Welt vergleichbar. [37] In the area where the funeral procession took place the traffic was cut off two hours ahead of the procession. Sie war seit ihrer Kindheit eine enge Freundin und Unterstützerin des Offiziers und späteren Präsidenten Gamal Abdel Nasser. [19], Some claim that Umm Kulthum's popularity helped Nasser's political agenda. It was to the extent that her father decided to return to the village they came from together with his family. [47] She was known to be able to improvise and it is said that she wouldn't sing a line the same way twice. Der Höhepunkt seiner Karriere war in den 1960er/1970er Jahren. [10] Her birth date is unconfirmed, as birth registration was not enforced throughout Egypt at that time. Her performances combined raw emotion and political rhetoric; she was greatly influential and spoke about politics through her music. [27][28][29][30][31] Another source mentions the creation of a song of war. Aufgrund ihrer Bekanntheit war dies jedoch bald kein Geheimnis mehr und als ihrem Vater dies klar wurde, untersagte er ihr weitere Auftritte und forderte sie auf, sich einen Ehemann zu suchen. A few years later, she met the famous composer and oudist Zakariyya Ahmad, who invited her to come to Cairo. Noch am selben Tag sang sie erstmals öffentlich auf einer Feier; in der Folge unterrichtete ihr Vater sie zusammen mit ihrem Bruder im Gesang und sie verstärkte das väterliche Ensemble. Welcher Kreis von Personen mit diesem Begriff gemeint ist, schwankt allerdings je nach Tradition und Konfession. Iire Ruem in dr arabische Wält cha mä mit däm vo dr Maria Callas un… Ihr Gesang löste so starke Emotionen aus, dass ihre Zuhörer/Innen zeitweise sogar ihre Sorgen vergaßen. "Salou Qalbi" ("Ask My Heart") was written by Ahmad Shawqi and composed by Ryad Al Sunbati. "[50] Hologram concerts with her have been organized also by the Egyptian Minister of Culture Inas Abde-Dayem in Cairo and the Dubai Opera. Her songs were virtuosic, as befitted her newly trained and very capable voice, and romantic and modern in musical style, feeding the prevailing currents in Egyptian popular culture of the time. The reception accorded the death of Umm Kulthum showed how powerful and beloved the Egyptian vocalist had become. (* zwischen 1898 und 1910, vermutlich am 4. Februar 1975 in Kairo; arabisch أمّ كلثوم, DMG ʾUmm Kulṯūm, Alternativschreibweisen unter anderem Oum bzw. [16] In 1932, her fame as a singer increased through sales of her records to the point where she embarked upon a major tour of the Middle East and North Africa, performing in prominent Arab capital cities such as Damascus, Baghdad, Beirut, Rabat, Tunis, and Tripoli. Umm Kalthum. Ihr Ruhm in der arabischen Welt ist mit dem von Maria Callas und der Beatles in der westlichen Welt vergleichbar. Umm Kulthum ( Arabisch: أم كلثوم 'Umm Kultüm; Arabisch Aussprache: [ʊm kʊlθuːm] ägyptischen Arabisch Aussprache: [ʊm kʊlsuːm]; geboren Fatima'Ibrāhīm as-Sayyid al-Biltāǧī ( فاطمة إبراهيم السيد البلتاجي [fɑtˤmɑ (ʔe) bɾɑhiːm essæjjed elbeltæːɡi]; siehe Kunya) auf einem unsicheren Datum (31.Dezember 1898 oder 4. Einführung. "[18] Later, Nasser would schedule his speeches so they would not interfere with the radio performances of Umm Kulthum. Transition to the Big City. Housed in a pavilion on the grounds of Cairo's Manesterly Palace, the collection includes a range of Umm Kulthum's personal possessions, including her trademark sunglasses and scarves, along with photographs, recordings, and other archival material.[45]. Nach schwerem Streit mit ihrem Vater gab dieser endlich nach, gemeinsam mit ihrem Vater und ihrem Bruder zog sie nach Kairo. Nach einer fast sechzigjährigen Bühnenkarriere und vielen Hunderten von Aufnahmen starb sie 1975 an einer Nephritis, nachdem sie bereits seit den 1930er Jahren ähnliche gesundheitliche Probleme, zum Beispiel mit Leber und Galle, hatte. According to André Chouraqui, in May 1967, just before the Six-Day War, she was heard on Radio Cairo and Radio Damas singing "Slaughter, slaughter, slaughter and have no pity ..." towards the Zionist Israeli. Umm Kulthum had abstained from singing Qasabgi's music since the early 1940s. At the peak of her career, in 1950, Umm Kulthum sang Sonbati's composition of excerpts of what Ahmad Rami considered the accomplishment of his career: the translation from Persian into classical Arabic of Omar Khayyám's quatrains (Rubayyiat el Khayyam). [20][21], Umm Kulthum was also known for her continuous contributions to works supporting the Egyptian military efforts. This intense, highly personalized relationship was undoubtedly one of the reasons for Umm Kulthum's tremendous success as an artist. [11] At the age of 16, she was noticed by Mohamed Abo Al-Ela, a modestly famous singer, who taught her the old classical Arabic repertoire. Umm Kulthum wuchs mit zwei Geschwistern in einer armen Familie in einem kleinen Dorf im Gouvernement Ad-Daqahliyya auf, ihr strenggläubiger und frommer Vater war Imam der örtlichen Moschee. Murat Özyıldırım, Arap ve Turk Musikisinin 20. yy Birlikteligi, Bağlam Yay. Jehan Sadat: Ich bin eine Frau aus Ägypten Die Autobiographie einer außergewöhnlichen Frau unserer Zeit. [2], Das Ensemble erwarb sich nicht zuletzt durch Umm Kulthums Gesang zunehmende regionale Bekanntheit und bereiste weite Teile des Nildeltas. Umm Kulthum war eine ägyptische Sängerin und Musikerin. These performances are in some ways reminiscent of the structure of Western opera, consisting of long vocal passages linked by shorter orchestral interludes. This represented a dramatic departure from the modernist romantic songs of the 1930s, mainly led by Mohammad El-Qasabgi. Umm Kulthum's musical directions in the 1940s and early 1950s and her mature performing style led this period to becoming popularly known as "the golden age" of Umm Kulthum. • Literatur von und über Umm Kulthum im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek [7], The spontaneous creativity of Umm Kulthum as a singer is most impressive when, upon listening to these many different renditions of the same song over a time span of five years (1954–1959), the listener is offered a totally unique and different experience. Umm Kulthum, ein einfaches Mädchen vom Lande, machte eine einzigartige Karriere; sie wurde zur reichsten und bekanntesten Sängerin der arabischen Welt. In 2001, the Egyptian government opened the Kawkab al-Sharq (Star of the East) Museum in the singer's memory. Eine Sonnenbrille. Umm Kulthum (* zwischen 1898 und 1910, vermutlich am 4. ... Umm Kalthum! Für die Ägypter war sie “Die Rose … Umm Kulthum (Arabic: أم كلثوم‎, Egyptian Arabic: [ˈomme kælˈsuːm]; French: Oum Kalthoum; born Fāṭima ʾIbrāhīm es-Sayyid el-Beltāǧī فاطمة إبراهيم السيد البلتاجي[1][2] on 31 December 1898, or 4 May 1904;[3] died 3 February 1975) was an Egyptian singer, songwriter, and film actress active from the 1920s to the 1970s. [37] Umm Kulthum's political rhetoric in her music is still influential today, not only in Egypt, but in many other Middle Eastern countries and even globally. For the Record… Selected discography. Mai 1904 in Tammai az-Zahaira; † 3. Worth noting though that the length of a performance did not necessarily reflect either its quality or the improvisatory creativity of Umm Kulthum. Mounira's friend, who worked as an editor at the Al-Masra newspaper, several times suggested that Umm Kulthum must have married one of the guests who frequently visited her household. Biography “Star of the East” — The Life of Umm Kulthum. - 3. veljače 1975. Om Kalsoum und Umm Kultum; eigentlich ʾUmm Kulṯūm Fātima ʾIbrāhīm as-Sayyid al-Baltaǧī) war eine ägyptische Sängerin und Musikerin. Danach hatte sie 30 Jahre lang einen festen Sendeplatz. Critics and journalists note that while she was known to have touched many different artists, she had also touched the lives of millions of her listeners and fans. Oxford Music Online. [3] It is even reported that her funeral's attendance drew a greater audience than that of the late president at the time. [34], Her songs took on more a soul-searching quality in 1967, following the defeat of Egypt during the Six-Day War. [24] During her career, she would act in five more movies, of which four would be directed by Ahmad Badrakhan[24] while Sallama and Fatma would be the most acclaimed.[25]. In den folgenden Abschnitten wird ein Überblick über die Ahnen und Familienmitglieder des islamischen Religionsstifters Mohammed gegeben. Other musicians who influenced her musical performances at the time where Dawwod Hosni or Abu al-Ila Muhammad [fr]. [48], She is referenced at length in the lyrics of the central ballad "Omar Sharif" in the musical The Band's Visit. Diesem Ansinnen widersetzte sich ihre Familie jedoch. [17] From then on onwards, she performed at a concert on every first Thursday of a month for forty years. Später zerstritten sich beide wegen der Tantiemen für die Kompositionen und Ahmad verklagte Umm Kulthum deshalb, ihre Freundschaft zerbrach daraufhin.[2]. Er regte erneut an, dass sie nach Kairo zöge, da nur dort ihr Talent angemessen wachsen könne. An improvisatory technique, which was typical of old classical Arabic singing, and which she executed for as long as she could have (both her regressing vocal abilities with age and the increased Westernization of Arabic music became an impediment to this art), was to repeat a single line or stance over and over, subtly altering the emotive emphasis and intensity and exploring one or various musical modal scales (maqām) each time to bring her audiences into a euphoric and ecstatic state known in Arabic as "tarab" طرب. She sang many songs in support of Nasser, with whom she developed a close friendship. Umm Kulthūm, also spelled Oum Kulthoum or Om Kalsoum, (born May 4, 1904?, Tummāy al-Zahāyrah, Egypt—died February 3, 1975, Cairo), Egyptian singer who mesmerized Arab audiences from the Persian Gulf to Morocco for half a century. Die Einnahmen dieser Tournee spendete sie dem Wiederaufbau der ägyptischen Armee. Owen Jander, et al. [2], Lange Jahre beschränkte sich diese „Karriere“ auf ihre Heimatregion. ), rođena Fatma Ebrahim Elbeltagi, bila je egipatska pjevačica, glumica i tekstopisac. [4] Umm Kulthum was known for her vocal ability and unique style. [2], Um das Familieneinkommen aufzubessern, sang ihr Vater auf religiösen Feiern und als Koranrezitator, begleitet von einem kleinen Orchester und seinem Sohn. During the 1930s her repertoire took the first of several specific stylistic directions. Umm Kulthum ( Arabisch : أم كلثوم , ägyptisches Arabisch: [ˈomme kælˈsuːm] ; Französisch : Oum Kalthoum ; geb. Umm Kulthum (Arabic: أم كلثوم‎, Egyptian Arabic: [ˈomme kælˈsuːm]; French: Oum Kalthoum; born Fāṭima ʾIbrāhīm es-Sayyid el-Beltāǧī فاطمة إبراهيم السيد البلتاجي on 31 December 1898, or 4 May 1904; died 3 February 1975) was an Egyptian singer, songwriter, and film actress active from the 1920s to the 1970s. [14] She also maintained a tightly managed public image, which undoubtedly added to her allure. Mai 1904 in Tammai az-Zahaira; † 3. Among the army men trapped were the figures who were going to lead the bloodless revolution of 23 July 1952, prominently Gamal Abdel Nasser. Bei ihrer Beerdigung versammelten sich mehrere Millionen Trauernde in den Straßen Kairos, der Sarg mit ihrem Leichnam wurde den eigentlichen Trägern abgenommen und über drei Stunden in zahlreichen Windungen durch die dichtgedrängten Straßen Kairos gereicht. Her birth date is controversial, either 31 December 1898, 31 December 1904 or 4 … Generals in the audience are said to have been left in tears. Around 1965, Umm Kulthum started collaborating with composer Mohammed Abdel Wahab.