Do you need help? 8. Pronouns include subject pronouns, object pronouns, and possessive pronouns.These are used to replace nouns in sentences. Do you need help? without saying the name … Your brother is Tom. Clue. Singular nouns take … Clue. The Possessive case is used to express that something belongs to someone or to show a relationship between two or more people. NEW from . brother to London. 18) In case of natural disaster lots of people lose ________ habitat. 6. the names / your friend. replace a noun. The bus stop is near house. David owns a black car. Show example. My book is new. They showed us all they / their / ours holiday photos last night. me, him, you, he, she, they, … When used before a feminine noun or a noun in the plural, the possessive determiner ends in -e in the nominative case: masculine (der Föhn) Das ist mein Föhn. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on possessive adjectives) Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives: Where is (I) book? Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English. bike. Your school starts at ... Their city is old. Possessives: pronouns 2. Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Determiners "Most possessive determiners are similar to their corresponding possessive pronouns: her is a possessive determiner, while hers is a possessive pronoun. Her cat is white. ]|dependent possessive pronoun → dein…|die Wand (feminine) → deiner; In (wir) Haus … 1. 9. You are late. Adjectifs possessifs LES ADJECTIFS POSSESSIFS. Each child was given a present. None of my friends wished me on my birthday. [I don’t like wearing your shoes. 2. Possessive pronouns Pronouns and question words 89 1. We use the word "of" if there is a relation between two or more things.With persons and animals: English Language Learning 4) The progress of a nation depends on ________ people. 3. (all 4 cases) hint: Consider that all you need for this final exercise is summarized on one page (short summary – 4 Fälle). Learn about possessive pronouns and determiners in French grammar with Lingolia, then test yourself in the free exercises. (I) … 8) It is none of your business to interfere in my matters. 1 extra: A series of Unfortunate Events, places of business or residence (without the second noun), used with compounds, the apostrophe comes after the last word. yours: That book is yours. 3. Task No. PDF exercises. Clue. She is in ___.4)This rabbit is not in the right hutch. The function in the sentence determines the part of speech. Possessive Pronouns exercises - Übungen. 2- 'Where is Sue?' – Yes, but _____ door is red. possessive determiner with gender (Male, Female, Neuter) example sentence; SINGULAR: my: M/F: This is my book. It's apple. Dependent possessive pronouns come before a noun. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on possessive adjectives) Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives: Where is (I) book? I am one of Susan's friends. 1. 4. the daughter / Mr Smith. Du sitzt auf (ich) Stuhl. 3 Are those . Neither key opens the door. This is an easy exercise with fill in the gap tasks on possessive adjectives and personal pronouns. Aber mein Bruder kann nicht kommen. Possessive pronouns indicate possession or belonging. I meet Jeremy with _____ new friends from London. It's dog. For example:-Bob's presentation. They agree in gender and number with the noun that they describe (determiners) or replace (pronouns). Practise using the grammar rules in the interactive exercises. mine: That car is mine. I don't know the time because I can't find watch. Clue. It's skateboard. 2 Where does . 2. hers: That house is hers. Possessive determiner: I live in England. (you) This is my bag and that is . My 8. its 9. their 10. their 11. its 12. my 13. his 14. our 15. I have a bike. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. Les déterminants possessifs. They visit Bristol. Check your grammar: multiple choice – personal pronouns and possessives Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Scrabble. Menu. glasses? Show example. 7. She has a cat. 8 Peter … Is that _____ bike, Maggie? [Here is our car. Grammar. your: Your subject is English. My dad says there’s one in the wardrobe, but it’s his, not mine. They visit Bristol. Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English . Subscribe to the English Classroom newsletter. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks. Example: Can you come to party? 4. Your school starts at ... Their city is old. colour is red. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Possessive Pronouns and Determiners in English Grammar, Table of English Possessive Pronouns and Determiners, Possessive pronouns and determiners – table. La possession › Exprimer la possession + Adjectifs et pronoms possessifs. 6. 8. It can be used before a plural noun in expressions that refers to intervals such as. Possessive determiners and pronouns. 3139. Task No. Her cat is white. 2. 6. 1107. Fill in the correct pronouns. Oct 25, 2015 - With this worksheet students practise possessive determiners. 2. Debbie has got a cat. Possessive Adjectives - Exercise 1. Mum and I have a boat. Exemples :-Ma veste / Mon manteau.-Mes chemises-Votre travail mérite tous nos compliments. Les articles contractés. its: Its color is black. - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Possessives: pronouns 1. Look! *L’adjectif possessif s’accorde en genre et en nombre avec le nom auquel il se rapporte. He's 12. sister … 7. ]|plural feminine → les tiennes Est-ce qu’il a pris ses clefs? Karen owns a house. Grimm Grammar is an online German grammar reference from the University of Texas at Austin. Faites le bon choix. 2. Les Possessifs Exercices Rappelez-vous ! That cat is her: Her name is Christa. '. (NOT I am a friend of Susan.) Use the possessive determiner or the possessive pronoun in the gaps. ___ head is red !3)Kate is not in my bedroom. GapFillTyping_MTYxNTc. 4. She likes playing football. English. Please put it in ___.5)You like painting. Level: intermediate. 2. Your two children … 3. 4. They inform you of a person or being who possesses or owns something . The chart below shows an overview of possessive pronouns and determiners in singular and plural. Look, there are the Jeffersons in _____ new car. A-Fill in the gaps with my, your, his, her, its, our or their. = It is her house. Exercises: possessive adjectives - English grammar exercises online. 3. ), come before a noun, whereas, possessive pronouns (mine/yours etc.) Pronouns: possessive ( my, mine, your, yours, etc.) Les possessifs. her: F: Her first name is Mary. Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English. It's bike. With Lingolia Plus you can access 9 additional exercises about Possessives, as well as 749 online exercises to improve your English. Personal pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 1. Je n’aime pas mettre tes chaussures. 4. We like the red car. Cours et exercices gratuits sur les articles (déterminants). Their 6. his 7. Cours et exercices. TED Talk What if you could trade a paperclip for a house? Possessive pronouns replace previously mentioned nouns. Here is an overview of the pronouns and their corresponding possessive determiners: Pronoun: Possessive: ich: mein: du: dein: er/es : sein: sie: ihr: wir: … Our car is red. ]|dependent possessive pronoun → mein …|der Stuhl (masculine) → meinem; Hängen an (du) Wand viele Bilder? We like the red car. Neither of these arguments is valid. — English Grammar Today — ein Nachschlagewerk für geschriebene und gesprochene englische Grammatik und Sprachgebrauch — Cambridge Dictionary The horse has an apple. Most of the shops are closed on Sundays. '. 1. English. Practise your English grammar in the English classroom. *Le pronom possessif s’accorde avec le nom et varie selon le possesseur. Personal pronouns, Possessive determiners, Possessive pronouns in English. [You’re sitting on my chair. Singular nouns take -'s. With Lingolia Plus you can access 9 additional exercises about Possessive Pronouns and Determiners, as well as 588 online exercises to improve your French. Englisch Übungen für Possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) mit Regeln, Beispielen und Lösungen. 1: School's out for summer, Newsletter no. [You’re sitting on my chair. Possessive Case. = It is my laptop. oefenen met Engelse grammatica en quizzen over Engelse taal, literatuur en nog veel meer, If you want to know how cookies are used on this site, view the. We need a new flat because _____ flat is very small. Confusables. 1. Dictionary. 'She's washing hands. *L’adjectif possessif s’accorde en genre et en nombre avec le nom auquel il se rapporte. Possessive determiners, also called possessive adjectives (my/your etc. Group A Determiners and their related pronouns. *Le pronom possessif s’accorde avec le nom et varie selon le possesseur. Ich habe meinen Bruder angerufen. Englisch Arbeitsblätter für Possessivpronomen (Possessivbegleiter) mit einfachen Beispielen zum Online-Lernen mit Erklärungen. The dog’s wearing hers. We can say: Susan is one of my friends. His name is John. You are 13. How to use possessive determiners in French. It is usually followed by a singular noun and verb. Possessives: ‘s or s’. Possessive determiners, also known as possessive adjectives (les adjectifs possessifs) always come before a noun and agree with it in terms of gender and number. Clue. Here is my sister -> here is mine--> 'la mienne' remplace 'ma … This is . Pronoms possessifs Le pronom possessif sert à remplacer un nom précédé d'un adjectif possessif (mon, ton son...). possesseur: 1 re personne du singulier: 2 e personne du singulier: 3 e personne du singulier: 1 re personne du pluriel: 2 e personne du … He is at school. ours: That poster on the wall is ours. Hi Daniel, name is John. Become a Lingolia Plus member to access these additional exercises. 1. None of my friends wished me on my birthday. You may also like English Quiz. SINGULAR or PLURAL: your : M/F: I like your hair. Exercise A Fill out the correct possessive pronoun! Possessive determiners in English – Exercise 3. Possessive determiners: Rewrite the sentences, replacing the underlined part of the sentence with the correct possessive determiner. Choose the correct possessive determiner from the drop-down menu. Present Perfect – Present Perfect Continuous, Present Continuous – Present Perfect Continuous, Degrees of comparison (-er/-est or more/most), Personal pronouns (I, me, you, he, him, etc. Possessive Determiners as the name suggest are used to ascertain the possessiveness of an article, noun or any person etc. Fill in the possessive pronoun “mein” and add the correct ending. Do the exercises below on possessive adjectives and click on the button to check your answers. Clue . Tous les possessifs; Déterminants (ou "Adjectifs") possessifs : ma, ton, ses, notre, vos, leurs etc. Our online exercises for English help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. Interactive listening and viewing lessons based on Ted talks, Newsletter no. ), come before a noun, whereas, possessive pronouns (mine/yours etc.) My mum has also got a hat. 4. 2. the eyes / the cat. Use the possessive determiner or the possessive pronoun in the gaps. Fill in the correct form of the possessives. Most people don’t trust politicians. Collins! Every It is a determiner. = It is his car. Learn the difference between possessive determiners and pronouns in English grammar and get tips on when to use them. a) my d) her g) their b) your e) its c) his f) our 2.