Les garçons du groupe One Direction sont connus pour être très amicaux et pour avoir les pieds sur terre lorsqu'il s'agit d'interagir avec leurs fans. 18495. edits. Please remember however, this wiki is a Work-In-Progress and some pages may not be made yet. 1 Post • New reply on 1/14/2021. Harry Styles/Fun Fac… Larry Stylinson. From talking to Matt Cardle about 'cats', to getting naked on planes, he's had a few funny moments since being in One Direction. Il se nomme Four car c'est le quatrième album du groupe depuis X Factor . Get Started. Niall Horan/Fun Fact… Louis Tomlinson. They are sweet easy going and fun dudesKayla Marie Lee and Jennette McCurdy about working with One Direction One Direction is a British Irish boy band consisting of Niall Horan who is actually Irish Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson they appeared on the iCarly episode iGo One Direction. Add new page . "Perfect" is a song by English-Irish boy band One Direction. This song is the first track on Now 45. One Direction is a British-Irish boy band who have risen in fame fast! One Direction performing at Soldier Field in Chicago on 23 August 2015.. Popular pages. Elle a commencée à joué dans la série The Originals, dans le rôle de Davina Claire, entre 2013 et 2016. The half-hour episode drew 3.94 million total viewers and ranks as the week’s number-one kids show with total viewers on basic cable and scored the top spot for the week with kids 6-14 (7.1/2.2 million) and tweens 9-14 (7.9/1.6 million). Albums de One Direction Midnight Memories (2013) Made in the A.M. (2015) modifier Four est le quatrième album studio du boys band anglo - irlandais One Direction , sorti le 17 novembre 2014 par Columbia Records et Syco Musique. 4 Controverses. Explore One Direction Wiki. Instead, we use LNL LNL: Loving Niall's Laugh. Studio albums: 5: Video albums: 2: Music videos: 17: EPs: 6: Singles: English-Irish boy band One Direction have released five studio albums, six extended plays, seventeen singles (including two charity singles), two video albums, and seventeen music videos and will soon release new music. Freddie Reign Tomlinson est le fils de Louis Tomlinson et de Briana Jungwirth. One Direction:History | The Real American Top 40 Wiki | Fandom. [citation needed] On 12 December 2012, the group also performed the number on the final of the second season of The X Factor USA. One Direction Wiki is a collaborative encyclopaedia designed to cover everything there is to know about the British-Irish boy band, One Direction.This wiki is a fan created site which means anyone is free to edit in order to improve the content. Wikis. iGo One Direction, also known as iGot Jungle Worms, is the 2nd episode of Season 5 and the 96th episode overall of iCarly. Ils ont aussi sorti un film sur leur tournée "Up all night". 1 Enfance. Games Movies TV Video. Il est né le 21 janvier 2016, et est le premier enfant d'un membre des One Direction. Harry has a curly brown locks, with twinkling cute green eyes and dimples. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Louis William Tomlinson est né le 24 décembre 1991, il est le fils de Troy Austin et Johannah Deakin et a grandi à Doncaster, au Royaume-Uni. 5.2 Sophia Smith. Popular pages . Being the youngest in the band, Harry is the cheekiest of the boys. They finished third on the seventh series of The X Factor. Welcome to the One Direction Infection Wiki! It began with Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Harry, Liam, Zayn, Niall et Louis ! "You & I" is a song recorded by English-Irish boy band One Direction, taken from their third studio album Midnight Memories (2013). On this wiki, you should be able to find any information you need on One Direction members, bromances, tours and more about them! The Real American Top 40 Wiki. General Discussion. One Direction (puhekielessä 1D) on brittiläis-irlantilainen poikabändi, joka tuli tunnetuksi sijoituttuaan Britannian X Factorissa vuonna 2010 kolmannelle sijalle. Add new page. The track was featured in a Pepsi television commercial for the United States and was performed on an episode of Glee. 7,782 Pages. 2 Carrière. One Direction is a British boy band, assembled by former American Idol judge Simon Cowell.. Kermit and Miss Piggy appeared in a video segment on the live YouTube broadcast 1D Day showing what's in Miss Piggy's dressing room asking what One Direction has in their dressing rooms.. On December 11, 2013, the official Sesame Street account on Twitter released a photo of Big Bird with the band. One Direction performed "Live While We're Young" on televised programs and during their two major concert tours: Take Me Home Tour (2013) and Where We Are Tour (2014). Liam James Payne est un membre du groupe One Direction avec Harry Styles, Niall Horan & Louis Tomlinson. Simon Cowell put them together in 2010 because he thought they were too good to lose. 1 Annonce: 2 Naissance. One Direction were a five-member English male pop group consisting of members Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Harry Styles.. 1 Post • New reply on 1/14/2021. Comment rencontrer les One Direction. Yhtyeen nykyiset jäsenet ovat Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles ja Louis Tomlinson. One Direction skončili třetí v sedmé sérii soutěže The X Factor, poté skupina podepsala nahrávací smlouvu se společností Syco Music, dceřinou firmou Sony Music Register Start a Wiki. Register Start a Wiki. One Direction je irsko-anglická chlapecká hudební skupina založená v roce 2010, kterou tvoří Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles a Louis Tomlinson.Pátý člen Zayn Malik opustil skupinu v březnu 2015. All information is directly from the One Direction Wiki One Direction(commonly abbreviated as1D) are an English-Irishpopboy bandbased in London, composed ofNiall Horan,Liam Payne,Harry Styles,Louis Tomlinson, andZayn Malikuntil the latter's departure on March 25, 2015. We no longer use this as Niall says he doesn't laugh THAT much. Elle est connue pour son rôle de Jessica Olson dans le film Disney Chanel, StarStruck , et dans son rôle de Simone Daniels dans le film Disney Prom. One Direction | The Real American Top 40 Wiki | Fandom. One Direction (abreviată 1D) este o formație pop de băieți din Londra, ai cărei membri sunt Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles și Louis Tomlinson.Aceasta a fost formată în cel de-al șaptelea sezon al emisiunii The X Factor din 2010, unde a obținut locul al treilea, performanță în urma căreia a semnat un contract cu Syco Music, casa de discuri a lui Simon Cowell. 3 Après-Naissance. One Direction delivered a performance of "Kiss You", in front of a video game-themed set, on the final of the ninth series of The X Factor UK on 10 December 2012. Danielle Campbell est une actrice américaine. Most visited articles. 3 Relation Amoureuse avec Louis. Help us grow One Direction Wiki. Abbreviations. Albums de One Direction Four (2014) modifier Made in the A.M. est le cinquième album studio du boys band anglo - irlandais One Direction , sorti le 13 novembre 2015 par Columbia Records et Syco Music . [Harry:] Do you remember summer '09? 7,779 Pages. One Direction përfundoi në vendin e tretë dhe menjëherë pas finales, kënga e tyre Përherë i ri, që do të ishte liruar, po ta kishin fituar The X Factor, u rrjedhur në internet.Pak kohë më pas u konfirmua se One Direction kishte është nënshkruar nga Cowell në një 2.000.000 £ Syco Records kontratë raportuar rekord. Kilpailun jälkeen yhtye solmi levytyssopimuksen Simon Cowellin levy-yhtiön Syco Musicin kanssa, ja myöhemmin Columbia Recordsin kanssa. 5.3 Cheryl Cole. Fans can come together and document every album, song, tour, event, TV appearance, and more! The Real American Top 40 Wiki. Un autre film concernant leur vie de tous les jours est sortit en août 2013 dans les salles de cinéma françaises : "This is us" dont la chanson "Best Song Ever" a fait un succès en 2013. Harry Edward Styles was born on 1 February 1994, in Evesham, Worcestershire. Wikis. Zayn Malik. It was written by Julian Bunetta, John Ryan and Jamie Scott, with production being handled by Julian Bunetta and John Ryan. Most visited articles. L'album est le premier sans l'ex-membre Zayn Malik, qui a quitté le groupe en mars 2015 , et le dernier avant de prendre une longue pause en 2016. 1 Enfance: 2 Carrière Musicale: 3 2016 - Carrière Solo: 3.1 Collaborations. A list of One Direction Abbreviations: (In no particular order) LLN: Laugh Like Niall. Un livre des One Direction, intitulé "Jusqu'au bout du rêve", est sorti avec 288 pages. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Category Activity. 4 Vie Personnelle: 5 Vie Amoureuse: 5.1 Danielle Peazer. "Rock Me" is a song by English-Irish One Direction from their second studio album, Take Me Home . . General. One Direction er et britisk-irsk boyband som består af medlemmerne Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson og Zayn Malik.De skrev kontrakt med Simon Cowells pladeselskab Syco Records, efter at være blevet dannet og endte på en tredjeplads i 7.- sæson af den britiske tv-serie The X Factor.De skrev senere kontrakt med nordamerikanske Columbia Records. Lottie est devenue la styliste et la maquilleuse des One Direction en 2015, pendant leur tournée On The Road Again et pour leurs apparences publiques. Games Movies TV Video. 3.2 Carrière musicale. They each auditioned for The X Factor separately. Louis Tomlinson/Fun… Harry Styles "Shipping" The Boys. One Direction (1D) are a boy band from England and Ireland. 57. pages. 4 Filmographie. One Direction je britansko-irski glazbeni sastav koji je uspješnu glazbenu karijeru započeo u Londonu 2010. u sastavu Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson i Zayn Malik.Sastav je potpisao ugovor s izdavačkom kućom Syco Records u vlasništvu Simona Cowella nakon što su završili na trećem mjestu sedme sezone X Factora. They were contestants on the seventh season of The X Factor UK in 2010, and finished third.