seems legit to me. Basically because I think its morally wrong to waste other peoples money. Chris Roberts ist vor allem für seine genredefinierende Wing Commander-Franchise Serie bekannt, die mit jeder Folge immer höhere Maßstäbe in Interaktivität, Storytelling und Spitzentechnologie setzt. I personally feel much more secure with Erin on-board than without. Star Citizen may be Roberts returning to his personal gaming roots after several years working in film, but it's with a project that wants to take a firm step forward for a long stagnant genre. Ummmmmmmm, did you even read the post at all? That company must be hell to work at. Legendary game designer Chris Roberts' latest product, Star Citizen, sets new records for a crowd funded game. I do not care about Star Citizen if it flops or not. Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. I never thought I'd hear someone actually applaud an obvious and outrageous move to defraud a company in which they themselves are invested, even if only emotionally. Are you referring to the 'Kicking the crap out of Chris Roberts' comment? First shown to the public at Summer CES 1991, the project suffered from numerous delays and was not released until 1993. Half of you will get the chance to say "I told you so" to the other half. I would look for the best person possible to fill those jobs instead of putting my own family members there. He can do whatever he pleases. I'm referring ... on sale at Amazon now able to run Star Citizen Beta and Elite dangerous 'Star Base' may run Cyberpunk 3077 with additional ... fact I would go so far as to say that No one I have ever met in my life deserves 'Blind faith' up to and including my wife. This goal was reached October 18, 2013.[18]. Star Citizen’s dogfighting module was released to backers yesterday. Roberts founded Ascendant Pictures in 2002 and served as a producer for a number of Hollywood productions including Edison, Timber Falls, Outlander, Who's Your Caddy?, The Big White, Ask the Dust, Lucky Number Slevin and Lord of War, which were almost entirely financed by a loophole in the German tax laws that was finally closed in 2006. I imagine turnover is probably rampant. Digital Anvil's first finished game was Starlancer, released to a generally favorable critical reception in 2000. I know you guys will have your continuous tug-of-war of yay vs. nay but the truth is the game will either launch and be the greatest thing ever or launch and be a disappointment. The founder of Cloud Imperium Games took to the Star Citizen forum to respond to player complaints. [2], Roberts returned to the United States in 1986. He's been in the video game industry just as long as Chris Roberts and if you had googled for 5 seconds you would have come across his Mobygames list here:,23689/. Hate on the game once it is gold kids, doing it before just shows how shallow your minds are.,23689/. Its not true that we should only judge the final product. A fanatical fanbase who have invested not just way too much money (people have literally spent tens of thousands of dollars) but too much of themselves to back out now. Star Citizen is an in-development multiplayer space trading and combat simulation game developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games for Microsoft Windows.A spiritual successor to 2003's Freelancer, Star Citizen is being led by director Chris Roberts.The game was announced in 2012 through a successful Kickstarter campaign which drew in over US$2 million. Much schadenfreude will be had. Let me start by saying that I am a huge Chris Roberts fan. Bravo! Thanks so much for participating, have a great weekend! You may call it nepotism but there really is no better choice than having someone capable and extremely trustworthy in a studio that is halfway across the globe (Chris heads the Santa Monica office and Erin the UK office). From the west coast of the United States to Frankfurt, Germany, highly-skilled, passionate … Star Citizen Report Reveals Gross Money Mismangement and Chris Robert’s Poor Decisions. Roberts's major role in developing the Wing Commander games led Next Generation to name him one of their "75 Most Important People in the Games Industry of 1995". He currently resides in Munich, Germany. [3] A similar game system was used in Roberts's next release for Origin, Bad Blood (1990). She continued to model, do commercials and have small roles in … Hmm, if your brother is a highly successful veteran of the gaming industry, has proven himself in many projects that became huge hits,  and your female friend (wife ?) [16], In 2011, Chris Roberts founded Cloud Imperium Games, together with his business partner and long-time international media attorney Ortwin Freyermuth, to work on a new game. Imagine a universe that combines the freedom of exploration, the thrill of combat, and the unique challenge of building a life in space. Sandi Gardiner, Actress: Squadron 42. I wouldn't be surprised if this turns into another 38 Studios. 2:47. Where exactly is this a scandal or even newsworthy? and is server meshing an essential requirement before Quantas show up?” from Rain Walker – This is Chris’ Reply. I have seen nothing but extreme committment from him and his team and they arguably work the hardest on the project and make the most visible progress on the singleplayer campaign. July 2015 in Star Citizen. The 1999 feature film release of Wing Commander directed by Roberts himself, starring Freddie Prinze Jr. and featuring visual effects from Digital Anvil failed to attract either critical praise or financial success. Chris Roberts nos explica los principales detalles del sistema de economía en The Star Citizen. Sandi always had a love for theater and performing and started out modeling at the age of 8 when she was scouted in her hometown by an agent. In it, Roberts discussed the year that was 2020 and how it affected the development of both games, as well as detailing the studio’s future plans in 2021. He can do whatever he wants with recruitment as long as it's not affecting the games release or development that he promised. The game's interface had a strong influence on other Origin products such as the popular Ultima series. [5], Following the traditions of Origin Systems, Chris Roberts's residence at the outskirts of Austin, Texas was named "Commander's Ranch", a reference to the Wing Commander series. Star Citizen is an in-development multiplayer space trading and combat simulation game developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games for Microsoft Windows.A spiritual successor to 2003's Freelancer, Star Citizen is being led by director Chris Roberts.The game was announced in 2012 through a successful Kickstarter campaign which drew in over US$2 million. Chris Roberts (born May 27, 1968) is famous for being game designer. Chris Roberts is the founder of Roberts Space Industries , the oldest modern Human space corporates that stretches back all the way to mankind's first steps into the stars. Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Chris Roberts (Star citizen) :Squadron 42 tiene un mayor nivel de calidad que God of War Por DiosKUTARAGI , 24 de Diciembre del 2018 en MeriStation Consolas Anterior How he gets there is of no importance for us. what he just hired total noobs, for real?? Erin has a better game making track record than his brother, he was less or more Alex's boss and he is taking over the vacuum caused by his departure. Web hispana del simulador espacial Star Citizen por Chris Roberts, creador de los legendarios Wing Commander, Privateer, y Freelancer Just respect us fans for putting up thousands of dollars in the marvelous vision of this Man. It looks like you're new here. Star Citizen ist ein kommendes weltraum Handels- und Kampfsimulationsspiel für Microsoft und GNU/Linux. The heavens praise CR, he will bring us the best game ever and you nay-sayers will all be amazed. Chris Roberts: es muy temprano para hablar del debut de Star Citizen. Chris Roberts (born May 27, 1968) is a British-American video game designer, programmer, film producer and film director. The evolution of multiplayer is here! Today Star Citizen creative director Chris Roberts took to … The space sim game raised more than $6. And again: These two people are a very good fit for the job. Cloud Imperium Games founder and CEO Chris Roberts has taken some time to write a rather large update to Star Citizen Fans, winding down 2020 and setting the bar for 2021. The naysayers hate on fanboys, but they are little more than anti fanboys, just as illogical and presumptuous as the fanboys they hate on. Star Citizen’s dogfighting module was released to backers yesterday. Cloud Imperium founder and CEO Chris Roberts recently published a Letter from the Chairman message to the staff and player base of Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Es un universo complejo donde cualquier cantidad de historias pueden tener lugar. What could possibly go wrong with so much money? Star Citizen wird aus zwei Komponenten bestehen: First-Person Weltraum-Schlachten und Handel in einem MMO-artigen, riesigen Universum und veränderbare, optional kooperative, private Server mit einer Single-Player Kampagne, … As for Sandy, she is considered the co-creator of the game and was helping people with their accounts during the crowdfunding campaign doing customer services grunt work despite being the VP of Marketing (and she is a really good VP of Marketing, Star Citizen wouldn't be the success it is without her). I truly believe in CR and His holy quest to bring us the best game that will ever grace mankind. Chris Roberts ofrece nuevos detalles sobre Star Citizen y su universo online. He returned to Wing Commander soon after, devising the original concept for the spin-off Wing Commander: Privateer (which his brother, Erin Roberts, produced) and being more deeply involved in Wing Commander III and Wing Commander IV. [9] Developed jointly between Warthog and Digital Anvil, the game was produced by the Roberts brothers, and Eric Peterson. The US is a great country if you have the ability and resources to take advantage of and protect your business from impulsive entitled people with liquid cash. Star Citizen Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Web hispana del simulador espacial Star Citizen por Chris Roberts, creador de los legendarios Wing Commander, Privateer, y Freelancer Reasonable people will reserve judgement until it's capable of being judged. Computer game designer, game programmer, film producer and film director, Point of No Return Entertainment/Ascendant Pictures, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2: Crusade, Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi, Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi: Special Operations 1, Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi: Special Operations 2, "With Ascendant Pictures (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)", "Exclusive: The Saga Of 'Star Citizen,' A Video Game That Raised $300 Million—But May Never Be Ready To Play", " - Kevin Costner sues Ascendant Pictures", "Star Citizen Smashes Game Crowdfunding Record", "Star Citizen funding passes $23 million", "Chris Roberts Video Game Credits and Biography", "Meet Chris Roberts - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42", "Blast from the Past: King Kong - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42", "The Stars His Destination: Chris Roberts from Origin to Star Citizen", "Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny (1988) DOS credits", "Chris Roberts In and Around Ultima V - Wing Commander CIC", "Black Water Transit Lawsuit Settled, But We Still May Never See It",, People educated at Parrs Wood High School, BLP articles lacking sources from August 2012, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, director, designer, writer, programmer, tester, This page was last edited on 8 January 2021, at 17:01. Star Marine, the FPS side of Star Citizen [official site], was supposed to launch in April. Star Citizen Creator Addresses Concerns on Development; Over 30,000 Players Play on Average Days. Los jugadores tendrán la oportunidad de decidir su propia experiencia de juego. MMOs finally replaced social interaction, forced grouping and standing in a line while talking to eachother., Cloud Imperium founder and CEO Chris Roberts recently published a Letter from the Chairman message to the staff and player base of Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Even if this two people would NOT be as good a choice as they are,... even IF they would be useless. You could certainly argue (successfully) that he has given them high paid good positions in … As a teenager, he created several video games for the BBC Micro, including Stryker's Run, Wizadore, and King Kong. Exactly why is hard to understand for non-fans, as Star Citizen is headed by Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts – who hasn’t made a new game since Freelancer in 2003. [6], Roberts left Origin in 1996 and founded Digital Anvil with Tony Zurovec and his brother Erin Roberts. Chris Roberts: Star Citizen gameplay 'is not a pipe dream' By Jody Macgregor 14 September 2020. This is getting better every week, I'm so glad I refunded my stuff. And another bubble of the soap foam castle just burst. You, and your wife, Sandra Roberts (aka Sandi Gardiner), should resign, effective immediately, and relinquish control of this company to an interim CEO. Congratulations! Lol the game is like 50% threw development, get a hold of yourselves children. [17] Chris Roberts had stated that if at least $23 million could be raised over the course of the crowdfunding campaign, no outside investors' or developers' funding would be required. I fed engine some general info about Star Citizen as well as some quotes from Chris Roberts chairman posts and engine also seem to be able to learn from info available online. In mid 2015, through various industry sources (some were working on the project), I got wind of the Star Citizen project in trouble amid technical issues, rumors of mismanagement, inability to deliver on promises, backer money being wasted etc. erin already worked on wingcommander, and that game was most likely before most of the gamers here were even born (yes, there are exceptions, no need to start listing your birthyears now). Keep looking ! Due to me being such a huge fan, I also know very well what he is capable of,  and have an idea what he isn't capable of. Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. No, Erin Roberts isn't a noob. Edit: This AMA is officially closed. Chris Roberts has answered a couple of Star Citizen questions in some detail as part of his Ask the Chairman post where he said he would reply to the most upvoted question which was: “How is the Dynamic Economy shaping up? Keefer also notes that Roberts' email response to the earlier story, the one he published on Star Citizen's website, showed up "almost three … I make spreadsheets at work - I don't want to make them for the games I play. The game was commonly regarded as vaporware due to its promised release date of 2001 however it was eventually released in 2003 with a markedly different feature set than the initial plans. This is no easy project to pull off,i said it 5+ years ago about Eve as well,it is the genre that needs a massive budget and quality team otherwise you get Indie results.This is not Wing Commander nor Lego figures this is expected to be Triple A quality. Roberts had stated that he desired to produce films as well as games with Digital Anvil. Best known for his work on such popular video games as Star Citizen, Freelancer, Starlancer, and Wing Commander, this designer worked for Origin Systems and later established production companies called Digital Anvil and Cloud Imperium Games Corporation. Actually, if she is at ALL responsible for marketing in any way, then I'll give her a hearty golf clap because SC is the largest crowdfunded game ever. [13][14] In 2005, actor Kevin Costner sued Ascendant Pictures for breach of contract on an unreleased film. Anybody that hard invests hate, love, money into a game that doesn't fully exist is equally misguided. As you’ll have guessed by now, the barebones initial release did not come in April. As of December 2020, Cloud Imperium Games has raised over US$340 million in crowdfunding and over $63.25 million in external investments. Considering all the common sense boundaries that are being broken by Star Citizen, these hires should be a spec of sand in a desert. Overblown scope. Like just 1? Es wird von Chris Roberts und Cloud Imperium Games entwickelt. Its an unconfirmed rumour (if its true, grats to Chris ! Star Citizen's Chris Roberts delays Squadron 42 again, no gameplay will be shown publicly There's a lot for project backers to unpack in Chris' latest Letter From The Chairman : news about Sq42, new development Roadmaps, Star Citizen backer and player numbers, sales revenue growth, and a year in review. Robert's activities as a film producer ended with the depletion of the funds raised by this controversial financing scheme. This "game" is awesome for all the wrong reasons. Missed deadlines. If he loves to pay people for doing nothing,... that is totally up to him. this is getting better and better. [Emphasis ours.] Si lo tiene Chris Roberts en casa será por algo XD Si alguien quiere coger Star Citizen con 5.000 UEC de regalo, que lo haga creando cuenta desde este link. Ese juego es STAR CITIZEN. Nepotism. If it wasn't for Microsoft,  Freelancer almost certainly wouldnt have seen the light of day... All that said, there are plenty of reasons to be sceptical of SC, but him hiring his brother Erin is not one of them. Seriously, this is turning into Sigil and Vanguard all over again. I'm glad CIG found good replacements for those who abandoned ship. So I started to investigate it. Star Citizen es un videojuego de simulación espacial y disparos en primera persona que actualmente está siendo desarrollado para Microsoft Windows [1] y Linux [4] [5] por Cloud Imperium Games, empresa fundada en 2011 por Chris Roberts (conocido por ser productor de cine y el creador de videojuegos como Wing Commander y Freelancer) y por Ortwin Freyermuth. For these sequels, Roberts directed the live-action cinematic scenes. As far as Sandi Gardiner goes, WTF does marketing even matter? The entertainment value Star Citizen will bring next few months is going to be fun. [4], Wing Commander was published later in 1990 and was highly acclaimed. That's reason enough to be optimistic and eager to see just how Star Citizen evolves from here, even if we will be waiting a couple of years to see it make its big shot for both the stars and stardom. Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things. He found a job at Origin Systems, where he created Times of Lore, published in 1988. Erin has worked on pretty much every game Chris has done, and certainly all of his best. [7][8] He cited disillusionment with working with large development teams and Origin parent company Electronic Arts' unwillingness to give substantial funding to games that weren't sequels. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! Inb4 star citizen has lego harry potter decals and thats all erin contributed. Please name the source that Sandi is Chris wife. Now we have forced soloing, forced questing and everyone is the hero, without ever having to talk to anyone else. The development team of Star Citizen consists of over four-hundred people are currently employed, working on making the game a reality in a distributed development process. Star Citizen, the great space epic of Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, is delayed, delayed and delayed. Star Citizen, the great space epic of Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, is delayed, delayed and delayed. This is not news but has been known for many years. 16 / Hace 7 años / 3538 reproducciones. We won,... right? He instead concentrated on Strike Commander. The eventual grand plan includes integrating first-person face-shooting into the wider Star Citizen world, letting folks board ships and murder crews. No. Creator Chris Roberts […] In it, Roberts discussed the year that was 2020 and how it affected the development of both games, as well as detailing the studio’s future plans in 2021. El sistema de juego online masivo, no obstante, no convertirá a Star Citizen en un MMORPG , sino que el mundo online del juego vendrá a tomar una forma similar a la del exitoso Journey de PS3 o a la del proyecto de Richard Garriott, Shroud of the Avatar. Star Citizen Creator Addresses Concerns on Development; Over 30,000 Players Play on Average Days. He created the Wing Commander series while at Origin Systems and is now working on the crowdfunded space simulator Star Citizen. Chris Roberts had to essentially beg Microsoft to buy digital anvil so they could get money to "finish" freelancer. Sandi Gardiner was born in Adelaide, Australia, to Carina Calo, a civil engineer, and Leonard Albert Gardiner a microbiology professor. Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp? The company was acquired by Microsoft soon after, who sold two of Digital Anvil's projects, Conquest: Frontier Wars led by Eric Peterson, and Loose Cannon led by Tony Zurovec to Ubisoft. Star Citizen has no confirmed release date. By crowd-funding Star Citizen, Roberts hopes to trim expenses, engage fans more directly and take the whole thing global: For one, this route takes the traditional game publisher out of the mix and enables us to take the millions of dollars normally used by publishers for a triple-A title and plow them right back into developing the game. [7] The fledgling studio set up shop in Austin and for several years worked quietly, inking a publishing deal with Microsoft in 1997.[8]. [15] The company was acquired by Bigfoot Entertainment in 2010. It covers all content relating to Star Citizen including the everything featured in the game, the lore, and the development process and team behind it. UPDATE: After sleeping on this, I am going to chalk this one up to experience. He's been around as long as Chris and he's worked in nearly every facet of the gaming industry. I am sure some Apple intern/trainee would be a better choice. Chris Roberts Answering a Question on Star Citizen - How is the Dynamic Economy shaping up? One thing he is not capable of, is delivering a game like SC is any time frame that anyone would consider anywhere near remotely reasonable. Chris Roberts (left) and Mark Hamill, who has starred in Roberts' video games, at an awards ceremony in 2015. Withdrawn promised features. Star Citizen, Roberts Space Industries - Chris Roberts' life support and retirement fund [2012-] Discussion in 'PC Gaming' started by green.pixel, Oct 8, 2012. Don’t expect to be playing Star Citizen’s single-player campaign, Squadron 42, anytime soon; Chris Roberts wants to avoid buggy release Thread starter Poetic Injustice Start date Dec 24, 2020 Star Citizen: Economy. It is HIS company. Erin is not just "some guy / brother". By November 2012, they had earned US$6,238,563, surpassing all stretch goals set for the campaigns, and breaking video game industry crowdfunding records. Wing commander is pretty much my all time favorite PC game series. [10][11] It was received very favorably with a Metacritic score of 85%. El propio Chris Roberts nos explica su visión. As part of the ongoing eight year birthday of Star Citizen’s launch (of alpha development), Chris Roberts tapped out a lengthy letter to the community in which he talked about the community, the developers, and a broad-strokes plan for both Star Citizen and Squadron 42, all while drawing parallels of each title’s development to the Apollo 8 project and … You are looking for a scandal where there is none. El administrador ha deshabilitado la escritura pública. Not good enough ! ----------------Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - USTankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US----------------. Ginaz Member Rare Posts: 2,252. UPDATE: After sleeping on this, I am going to chalk this one up to experience. Chris Roberts (born May 27, 1968) is famous for being game designer. I mean it is his company. [12], After leaving Digital Anvil, Roberts founded Point of No Return Entertainment, planning to produce films, television and games. Chris Roberts, de Star Citizen, habla sobre la comunidad, el desarrollo, el reclutamiento Star Citizen es posiblemente el juego más grande en desarrollo en este momento. [1] He attended Parrs Wood High School, the same school as computer music composer Martin Galway. In a new letter to Star Citizen players, RSI's Chris Roberts reiterates that Squadron 42 won't be rushed to meet a deadline. Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman. Why was his brother not THE GUY to begin with,i mean seriously it's not like he didn't know him before lol. 29 votos. El juego espacial sigue en fase Alpha, recibiendo millones de dólares en apoyo y sin fecha de lanzamiento It seems like it can become a great game but hiring your own family seems weird to me. Not me!". Chris Roberts hires his brother and wife as executives. As to his wife,well no doubt she has had some play into making them money but nobody has done much for the game or the players so far. Web hispana del simulador espacial Star Citizen por Chris Roberts, creador de los legendarios Wing Commander, Privateer, y Freelancer Wing Commander (and the franchise it spawned) soon became Origin's most successful product. In October 2012, Cloud Imperium Games launched a crowdfunding campaign on their website to produce a space simulation game, Star Citizen, and later added a Kickstarter campaign in conjunction. For the director of Star Citizen and Squadron 42, see Chris Roberts. "I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! just broke a world record in crowdfunding marketing success .... naaahhh ... why should you hire them ? ” – Chris Roberts, The Mittani, Oct 2012. Chris Roberts (Star citizen) :Squadron 42 tiene un mayor nivel de calidad que God of War Por DiosKUTARAGI , 24 de Diciembre del 2018 en MeriStation Consolas Bravo! [Emphasis ours.] Best known for his work on such popular video games as Star Citizen, Freelancer, Starlancer, and Wing Commander, this designer worked for Origin Systems and later established production companies called Digital Anvil and Cloud Imperium Games Corporation. Roberts left the company after the acquisition, abandoning the director position of his ambitious project Freelancer, although he remained with the game in a consulting role for a while. I will admit, the idea of someone paying $400-$500 to own in game assets (especially for a game that doesn't even have a hard ETA) boggles my mind. Using the same rules you used to refund my pledge, without my asking, you are to immediately process refunds in the amount of $2,134,374 as per the initial Kickstarter crowd … For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson. He currently resides in Munich, Germany. Too much money and hype on a pile eventually starts to rot and stink. Even then, he pretty much had to leave the company for that game to even get released. However, no projects materialized from Point of No Return. Star Citizen's Chris Roberts delays Squadron 42 again, no gameplay will be shown publicly There's a lot for project backers to unpack in Chris' latest Letter From The Chairman : news about Sq42, new development Roadmaps, Star Citizen backer and player numbers, sales revenue growth, and a … Star Citizen's huge ambitions haven't faded since the upcoming space sim warped past the $6 million mark during its twin crowdfunding campaigns. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as … Roberts wasn't as heavily involved in the sequel Wing Commander II, which he only produced. :-). It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as … We've got to get back to work, but we had a great time hanging out and answering your questions! Cloud Imperium Games Chairman and CEO Chris Roberts has shared a lengthy letter regarding his company’s controversial multiplayer space sim title, Star Citizen, which has been in production for close to a decade now.A portion of the letter relates to the game’s single-player campaign mode, Squadron 42, but unfortunately, it is less of a progress update and more of a confirmation that … Born in Redwood City, California in the United States, Roberts grew up in Manchester, England. Chris Roberts (born May 27, 1968) is a British-American video game designer, programmer, film producer and film director. Report Claims 'Star Citizen' Is Almost Out Of Cash, Chris Roberts' Insatiable Ambition Is To Blame Jason Evangelho Senior Contributor Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.