Master Physik. Bachelor and Master projects ... Promotionsvortrag Physik: "Metrology and manipulation of optically trapped microparticles in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre" Bibliothek A. Theoretische Physik I - Klassische Mechanik (D. Gross) Theoretische Physik III - Klassische Feldtheorie (D. Witthaut) Theoretische Physik IV - Statistische Physik (S. Trebst) Lehramt. The Institute for Theoretical Physics Amsterdam (ITFA) is a division of the Institute of Physics (IoP). Research training. Research; Quantum Effects in Biology Open Quantum Systems and Control Diamond Sensors and Simulators For possible projects please directly contact Prof. Seifert. 12 LP. Theoretische Elementarteilchenphysik for Master of Science Lecture by Felix Yu Einführung in die Quantenfeldtheorie, WS 2019/2020 (Kulesza) Seminars. Valentina Ros who studied in the TMP program 2010-2012 wins the 2019 EPS-SNPD Early Career Prize for her work in statistical physics. Administration: Frau Nelia Meyer. 2.500, MPL, Staudtstr. Teaching in winter semester 2019/2020 Lectures. Theoretische Physik I: Prof. Dr. Kai Phillip Schmidt ... Physik exotischer Magnetisierungsplateaus des frustrierten Quantenmagneten SrCu2(BO3)2 Doktorarbeit, Technische Universität Dortmund, 06/2014 Kris Coester ... Master, Technische Universität Dortmund, 09/2012 Mike Nemec Read more. The Institute for Theoretical Physics provides an essential part of the education at the undergraduate and graduate level in the Department of Physics. Höhere Theoretische Physik . mit der Note 3,0 abgeschlossen wurde. Master students can carry out their master thesis in one of our research groups. 39 80333 Muenchen Germany. 30.23 Wolfgang-Gaede-Strasse 1 76131 Karlsruhe E-Mail: Themen Prinzip der kleinsten Wirkung Master Christopher Busch Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Thermodynamics Beyond Local Potential Approximation Busch, Christopher (Nov. 2019) Advisor: B.-J. Room number: 02.024 Building: M1 Tel. Welcome to our Institute! : 0049-931-31-85131 Fax: 0049-931-31-85939 EMail: Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik (TTP) Campus Süd, Geb. Bei Fragen zu den Zugangsvoraussetzungen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Fachstudienberatung (siehe Anlauf- und Beratungsstellen). Research; Quantum Effects in Biology Open Quantum Systems and Control Diamond Sensors and Simulators apply for the Master's College which offers these courses in English and is subject to special tuition fees. EMail: Professors: Prof. Dr. Haye Hinrichsen Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kinzel. It aims at an advanced training in selected fields of physics, offers the opportunity for specialization and, finally, in its second phase, provides a one-year training phase directed towards the capability of performing independent research. Wahlpflichtmodule: 30 LP: 1) Profilierung. Institute for Theoretical Physics is focused on nearly all areas of elementary particle theory. Non-university participants can register with OPAL at the log-in screen. In physikalischen Wahlfachvorlesungen können Sie sich auf ein aktuelles Gebiet der Physik spezialisieren. vermittelt den Studierenden vertiefte fachliche Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und Methoden, die sie zu selbstständiger wissenschaftlicher Arbeit, zu innovativen Ideen, zu kritischer Einordnung der … Das Masterstudium ist forschungsbasiert. 2014 (Sommersemester): Theoretische Physik 3 für Materialphysiker - Theoretische Physik 4 für Lehrämtler Dozent: Eric Lutz Erste Vorlesung am Dienstag, 08.04.2014, 10:15 im Hörsaal F This new international PhD program bundles a wide range of expertise, know-how, and resources of the Department of Physics at the University of Basel as well as of Eucor – The European Campus,in the emerging research field of quantum sciences, quantum technologies and quantum information. We are always interested in enthusiastic students who want to join the II. First lecture Apr 3, 2017 First exercise Apr 10, 2017. Institute for Theoretical Physics as part of a Bachelor or Master thesis. Mathematische Methoden für das Lehrmat - Ba of Arts (R. Bulla) Theoretische Physik I - Lehramt BA GymGe/BK (J. Krug) Master. E-Learning resources for the course in OPAL. Es sind mindestens 18 LP aus den Modulen der Physik zu wählen, darunter mindestens eines der folgenden Module zu je 12 LP: 18 - 30 LP. Office: Building B3, Room 02.582 Phone: +49 9131 85 28449 Fax: +49 9131 85 28444. e-mail: Please register for an oral exam via email. 30.23) 12. ... Spezialgebieten aus den Bereichen experimentelle und theoretische Physik der kondensierten Materie und theoretische Hochenergiephysik sowie Kenntnisse der in den gewählten Spezialgebieten angewendeten experimentellen und/oder theoretischen Prinzipien und Methoden. In 2020, due to the corona pandemic, at this first stage of the application process, you can apply electronically by sending your application as a single PDF file by email to . Scientists at ITFA perform research around various research themes.. Prof. dr. Jan de Boer is head of the division. Vorlesung im Vertiefungsgebiet "Theoretische Physik" Lectures/Exercises. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Institut für Theoretische Physik 1 Staudtstraße 7 D-91058 Erlangen Germany. Theoretical Physics research in biophysics, ultrafast physics, nanophysics and surface science. Seminar mit Bachelorarbeit: Vertiefung Theoretische Physik; Seminar Hohlraum-QED; Theoriekolloquium; Quantenoptik mit ultrakalten Quantengasen … Exams. Charakteristika. Institut für Theoretische Physik (start page) Home People. Institut für Theoretische Physik Campus Süd Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) D-76128 Karlsruhe Visitor address Wolfgang-Gaede-Straße 1 Physikhochhaus (Geb. Mon, 13:00, BZW/A120 Fri, 13:00, BZW/A120. Frustrated Magnetism is one of the most active research area of modern condensed matter physics. Zugangsvoraussetzungen. 2, Erlangen ... Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Festkörperphysik (Prof. Dr. Martin Eckstein) This term: Dark Matter Theory (master seminar) Summer 2020: Standard Model of Particle Physics (lecture) Winter 2019/20: Dark Matter (lecture) Summer 2019: Theoretische Physik II: Analytische Mechanik und Thermodynamik (lecture) Winter 2018/19: Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics (lecture) Summer 2018: Dark Matter Theory (master seminar) Winter 2017/18: … The II. Contact information during the corona crisis: I am available for video conferences via Zoom or Skype. Introductory Project. Bachelor-Studium im Bereich Physik (oder vergleichbares Studium), welches mind. 9 LP. Oral exams can be taken within one year after the lecture. Theoretische Physik 1, Theoretische Mechanik Lecture by Tobias Hurth Tuesdays, 16.15-17.45 and Wednesdays, 14.15-15.45. ... Master, Master of Arts / B.A., Bachelor, M.A., Master. People; Director of the Institute Permanent Staff Postdoctoral Staff PhD Students Bachelor and Master Students Academic Visitors Alumni Research. Road to Master (Particle Physics) Back to Bethe Center (bctp), Physics Institute or to Bonn University. Additional information about this page. Statistische Mechanik (Theoretische Physik IV) Bachelor and Master thesis. Group Leader, Lichtenberg Professor room: (NW2) phone: +49 921 55 4462 e-mail: Email: Data privacy protection By clicking 'OK' you are leaving the web sites of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and will be redirected to … Forschungsseminar: Quantenfeldtheorie, WS 2019/2020 (Heitger, Klasen, Kovařík, Kulesza, Wulkenhaar) People; Director of the Institute Permanent Staff Postdoctoral Staff PhD Students Bachelor and Master Students Academic Visitors Alumni Research. Our active research centers on Astroparticle Physics, Discrete Quantum Gravity, Particle Cosmology, Particle Phenomenology and String Theory, while emeriti-led research areas also include Algebraic Quantum Field Theory and The Theory of Complex … Additional Information. Methoden der Höheren Physik. The Master’s degree programme Physics is designed for students who hold a Bachelor’s degree in physics or in a closely related subject. Advanced Statistical Physics (J. Berg) Geschichtswissenschaft. Description. Vorlesung im Vertiefungsgebiet "Theoretische Physik" Corona. J. Lücker Chiral and deconfinement phase transitions in Nf=2 and Nf=2+1 quantum chromodynamics Lücker, Jan (Oct. 2013) Advisor: C. Fischer Geschichtswissenschaft (Lehramt) Info. Master of Arts / M.A. All participants should sign in via OPAL. 9 LP. Institut für Theoretische Physik (start page) Home People. Page-Name:Theoretical High Energy Physics Last Update:27.April 2020 Theoretische Physik D (Thermodynamics und Statistik) for Bachelor students (lectures)Theoretical Quantum Optics for Master students (lectures)Quantum Mechanics for Optoelectronics and Materials Science Master students (lectures)Theoretical Quantum Optics for Master students (lectures)Quantum Mechanics for Optoelectronics and Materials Science Mit dem Master-Studiengang Physik vertiefen und erweitern Sie Ihr Grundlagenwissen in modernen Gebieten der Experimentalphysik und Theoretischen Physik. Physik (national und international) (Master, konsekutiv) Das Studium der Physik im forschungsorientierten Master-Studiengang, mit dem Abschluss Master of Science (M.Sc.) f. Physik LMU Muenchen Theresienstr. Theoretische Physik 6a: Relativistische QFT for Master of Science Lecture by Felix Yu Mondays 10.15-11.45 and Wednesdays, 10.15-11.45. Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Mathematische und Theoretische Physik an der Uni Bielefeld? She is currently a post-doc at the Laboratoire de Physique of the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. QCQT PhD School PhD excellence fellowship. 18 LP. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Quantum Theory, Quantum Physics, Theoretical Mesoscopic Physics Stephan Gekle. RWTH Aachen University - Department of Physics - Department of Physics - Homepage Theses Collection. All course material will be available via OPAL. Dept. 12 LP. "Theoretische Physik IV: Statistische Physik" (Theoretical Statistical Mechanics) "Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum" (Laboratory in Modern Physics) In the case of conditional admission you can either. Bachelor of Education, Master of Education / B.Ed., M.Ed.