However, there is one essential difference between iTunes Match and Apple Music. Read our, Learn more about Macworld's Digital Edition, Purchased tracks (previously called iTunes in the Cloud), Tracks matched or uploaded with iTunes Match, Tracks matched or uploaded with Apple Music, Streaming tracks that you’ve added to My Music, if you have an Apple Music subscription. Then you can access your music library on all of your devices that have Sync Library turned on. Open Settings. While the main feature of Apple Music is streaming from Apple’s massive collection of music, Apple Music also matches your music library and uploads tracks that aren’t in Apple’s library. Mais les utilisateurs peuvent également se compliquer entre eux. This means that if you rip a CD, and it’s matched or uploaded to iCloud Music Library via Apple Music, and you download the files, say, on another Mac, you will only be able to play those files as long as your Apple Music subscription is active. If your Mac or PC disconnects from the Internet during the upload process, iTunes Match will automatically resume where it left off the next time you open the Apple Music app or iTunes for Windows. Here’s an overview of how these two services work in iTunes and on iOS, and how they work together. Apple Music vs iTunes Match: Service Comparison. A status indicator lets you track the scan's progress. Senior contributor Kirk McElhearn (@mcelhearn) writes The Ask the iTunes Guy column and writes about Macs, music and more on his blog Kirkville. If you enable iCloud library on itunes, it will upload your iTunes library to the cloud or match your iTunes tracks to the iTunes store ones, and they will appear in the app. Of course, Apple could make all this much simpler by making iTunes Match an “add-on” to Apple Music for, say, $2 a month. On the membership section of the Apple Music website, Apple says that “Apple Music and iTunes Match are independent but complementary.” They say little more, and when you look at the latest version of iTunes, it’s not clear how iTunes Match works. Purchased appears if you bought a track from the iTunes Store. What happens to iTunes Match? Scroll down and tap on Music. Some third-party visualizers may no longer be compatible with this version of iTunes. The first thing to understand is that Apple is no longer using the name “iTunes Match,” at least within iTunes. Apple makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability. Step #2. If songs are missing from your music library after you turn on Sync Library. The Apple Music app on Android cannot be used without a full Apple music subscription, but Apple music subscription actually contains iTunes match. Subscribe to either iTunes Match or Apple Music, or both, from this menu. Mac OS 10.13.4, iTunes 12.7.4. iTunes Match is now part of the iCloud Music Library, which includes the following: Apple Music & iTunes Match: Limitations. On your Mac, open the Apple Music app. Here is a guide for choosing between Apple Music vs iTunes Match, what each offers! Now, turn on iTunes Match. Ihr könnt eure Musik dann auf all euren Apple Geräten verwenden. Apple Music includes a subscription to iTunes Match, so if you're paying for Apple Music, you can cancel your iTunes Match subscription.You don't need a separate subscription. On your PC, open iTunes for Windows. iTunes Match isn't available for Android devices. The problem is that Apple is not making a distinction between Apple Music files that you download for offline listening—this is a key feature of Apple Music—and files that belong to you, which are matched or uploaded. However, it is now available in more than 100 nations and is quite popular. If you don’t use iTunes Match, and only want to pay for Apple Music, then be aware that your original music files will have DRM added to them if you re-download them. Songs from Apple Music can only be accessed while you have an active subscription. My music library is a mess. iTunes Match lässt euch eure eigene Musik in die iCloud Music Library hochladen. While iTunes Match and Apple Music seem to offer similar features via iCloud Music Library, there are some important differences. Then, open the iTunes folder in User/Music/, and … However, what about those songs you downloaded from someplace else or those CDs you ripped? If you don't see the download icon, the song is already in your local music library. Make sure you have a reliable backup of your library, just in case. Step #3. iTunes Match is now part of the iCloud Music Library, which includes the following: You may not have all of the above. Apple lets you share iTunes Match with up to 10 computers and iOS devices. If you delete your originals, or lose them, then you won’t be able to access files without DRM. Once your music library is uploaded, you'll see Download next to songs that are available for download from iCloud. But I don't see how to download those tracks to a library. By the way, both iTunes Match and Apple Music have a 25,000 track storage limit. iTunes Match has a limit of 25,000 tracks, not including iTunes Store purchases. Weitere Informationen zur Nutzung von Apple Music, iTunes Match und der iCloud-Musikmediathek findest du hier: Wenn Sie Apple Music-Mitglied sind, müssen Sie kein iTunes Match-Abonnement abschließen, es sei denn, Sie möchten weiterhin über Apple TV (2. oder 3. If you have low-quality tracks, iTunes Match “upgrades” them, allowing you to download 256 kbps AAC files without DRM. Contact the vendor for additional information. iTunes Match came into being in November 2011 and was initially available only in the US. On a Mac or PC, you can also connect to the Internet using Ethernet. Apple veitir fjölda leiða til að fá aðgang að slíkum söfnum, þar á meðal eru Apple Music og iTunes Match, áskriftarþjónusta sem setur iTunes þinn í skýið og notar iCloud tónlistarsafnið, en á lúmskt mismunandi hátt. On your Mac, go to the sidebar and click iTunes Store. In the case of iTunes, iTunes Match, all the music related files are added to your library either through matching or by uploading and this is free whereas, Apple Music is not. The Difference Between iTunes Match and Apple Music . Songs from Apple Music can only be accessed and play on authorized device while you have subscribed to Apple Music. If you’re already signed into these services, you won’t see the iTunes Match and Apple Music menu items. Senior Contributor, If you have an iTunes Match subscription, and you’ve updated to the latest version of iTunes (12.2), you may have had a bit of a surprise. Apple Music availability varies by country and region. Apple Music means it came to the iTunes library from the Apple Music service. For $24.99 a year, you can stream as much as 100,000 songs from your iTunes music library to any of the 10 devices which are connected to your Apple ID. iTunes Match uploads your music library from the Apple Music app on your Mac or iTunes for Windows on your PC. ” the service determines which songs in your music collection (including those ripped from CD) are available in the iTunes Store Cet article a pour but de vous aider à informer leurs propre caractéristique et les différences. If you’ve signed up for Apple Music, then it can be even more confusing, since Apple Music also matches tracks the way iTunes Match does. The difference between Apple Music and iTunes Match is that Apple Music is a streaming music service that own the DRM (digital rights management) protected songs. Scroll to the bottom of the Store window. Die abgeglichenen Songs haben keinen DRM-Schutz, was bedeutet, dass ihr sie – solltet ihr euer iTunes Match Abo einmal kündigen – weiterhin anhören könnt. The most significant difference between Apple Music and iTunes Match is that Apple Music can't own the music they downloaded through the service because of DRM (digital rights management) protection. If you don't see your music on another device right away, check back later. Macworld is your best source for all things Apple. iTunes Match is a cloud backup solution that stores the music in your iCloud account and makes it available on any compatible device. To make sure you see these cloud-stored tracks in iTunes, choose iTunes > Preferences, click General, and check iCloud Music Library. When iTunes Match is finished uploading your music library, Download appears next to music that's been uploaded. The first thing to understand is that Apple is no longer using the name “iTunes Match,” at least within iTunes. All your devices can access the same music and your music collection is safely backed up. There is also a 25,000 track limit, as with iTunes Match, but Apple’s Eddy Cue has said that this limit should be increased to 100,000 when iOS 9 is released. The main issue is the integrity of your iTunes library. If you have both an iTunes Match subscription ($25 per year) and an Apple Music membership ($10 per month), then you get files without DRM. Everything synced across it among devices is … Most of your library is matched. Want to choose between Apple Music and iTunes Match? iTunes Match is a service from Apple that allows you to keep a cloud-based music collection for $25 per year. You might need to add a. That’s the big difference from Apple Music. In the current world order, iTunes Match (which has kept the iTunes name) enables what Apple calls iCloud Music Library. And so, in 2011, when Apple announced iTunes Match, a service that would make your entire iTunes music library — from all of those CDs you bought and Limewire songs you downloaded — available on all of your Apple devices, it was BIG.. 3. iTunes Match is a feature that gives you access to a song you bought through another service, say Amazon. Let us see the different kinds of content … Unlike Apple Music, iTunes Match has no music subscription aspect — the $24.99 a year cost is solely for activating and maintaining your iCloud Music Library. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. You can subscribe to either iTunes Match or Apple Music from the Account menu in iTunes. Open Settings. Copyright © 2021 IDG Communications, Inc. Apple Music is a streaming service that allows you to listen to over 70 million songs. If you want to continue using iTunes Match as such, it is now part of iCloud Music Library. Wenn man iTunes Match nutzt kann man die eigenen Inhalte in die Cloud laden und dennoch überall abspielen und nach der Kündigung auch weiter nutzen. If you don’t have an iTunes Match subscription, and haven’t signed up for an Apple Music free trial, then your iCloud Music Library will only contain purchased tracks, if any. We give you the scoop on what's new, what's best and how to make the most out of the products you love. On your PC, make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes for Windows. To access your songs and playlists on other devices, turn on Sync Library on all of your devices. Bei Apple Music kann man die eigenen Inhalte (wie in diesem Fall die Hörbücher) zwar ebenso hochladen, aber abspielen kann man sie nur auf Geräten, die Apple Music unterstützen. Somehow my music library has become screwed up, and almost all of my 28,000-odd tracks aren't where they should be (according to iTunes). With an iTunes Match subscription, iTunes matches your library, uploads any unmatched tracks, and makes your music available on multiple devices through the iCloud Music Library. While iTunes Match lets you download your music files and then play them anywhere, Apple Music adds DRM to your files. Connect your devices to the Internet over a Wi-Fi or cellular network. The $25 per year service scans and matches your entire iTunes library from one device, and makes your music available to download on any other Apple … Unlike Google Music and Amazon Cloud … Learn more about joining Apple Music. In the latest version of macOS, the iTunes Store might be hidden. The straight-forward answer to clear up all that confusion is that iTunes Match is a cloud backup while Apple Music is a music streaming service. Its great features include the ability to download your favorite tracks and play them offline, lyrics in real time, listening across all your favorite devices, new music personalized just for you, curated playlists from our editors, and many more. Generation) auf Ihre Musik zugreifen. The iTunes Match service can match most, if not all, of the songs in your iTunes library and keep a […] Whether you subscribe to iTunes Match or use Apple Music, you should still back up your personal music collection. Step #2. Here's how to find it: By default, your iTunes Match subscription automatically renews at the end of your one-year subscription. Confirm your billing information. Learn how to cancel your subscription. Then you can access your music library on all of your devices that have Sync Library turned on.. To subscribe to iTunes Match, update your Mac to the latest version of macOS.On your PC, make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes for Windows. In addition, there seem to be bugs right now, causing many previous matched files to show as Apple Music files, and to contain DRM when downloaded, even for users with iTunes Match subscriptions. If you have an Apple Music membership, you get all of the benefits of iTunes Match, plus access to the entire Apple Music catalog. If you already have an iTunes Match subscription, I’d recommend you keep it, whether you plan to subscribe to Apple Music or not. It might take some time for iTunes Match to upload your music from your Mac or PC. You can manually pause and resume the scan at any time by clicking the Stop or Start button. If you have an Apple Music membership, you get all of the benefits of iTunes Match, plus access to the entire Apple Music catalog. You can also get a Family Membership to share the catalog with your family members. I can create a playlist of all the tracks, and I can export that playlist to a text file. Officiellement "Apple Music et iTunes Match sont indépendants mais complémentaires". After all, they are quite similar to each other. On your Mac or PC, be sure to quit iTunes. Copyright © 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Uploaded is … You can also download your files to any computer linked to your iTunes Match account, and listen to your music on any linked iOS device.