In childhood, Draco associated mainly with the pure-blood children of his father's ex-Death Eater cronies and therefore arrived at Hogwarts with a small gang of friends already made, including Theodore Nott and Vincent Crabbe. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. This atmosphere actually makes sense, as Voldemort had never known love, and this act of hugging would seem strange to him. $53.69 $ 53. This is due to Voldemort no longer holding Lucius in high esteem and shifting his favour to Draco's maternal aunt Bellatrix Lestrange and Hogwarts teacher Severus Snape. Their attempt to sabotage Harry's performance ended up costing the Slytherin House 50 points.[16]. [17], When Crabbe set the Room of Requirement on fire, Ron assisted Harry and Hermione in pulling Draco and Goyle away, but with some reluctance. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991-1998 and was sorted into Slytherin House. Draco and his family avoided imprisonment in Azkaban due to their last-minute switch in allegiance. Der Zauberstab wurde von Harry für den Rest des Zweiten Zaubererkrieg benutzt, sowohl beim Einbruch in Gringotts sowie als auch während des finalen Kampfes in der Schlacht von Hogwarts. Signature Like Dudley Dursley, his narcissistic nature most likely stemmed from his being spoiled by his parents throughout his childhood, though according to Harry himself, Draco was even less sympathetic than his cousin. The official criminal status placed on him, alongside his fear of the Dark Lord's wrath, led him to seek refuge, along with his family, with Voldemort, in the hopes of satisfying his orders to prevent any more negative highlights. However, Dumbledore pitied Draco when he became a Death Eater, as he knew that Voldemort had forced Draco to his bidding by threatening Draco's parents. He conjured a snake after being encouraged by Professor Snape and was disappointed when Harry thwarted the attack by speaking to the serpent in Parseltongue. Draco reacted by starting to cast the Cruciatus Curse, but Harry sliced his skin open with his wand right before he could complete the incantation. In 2017, when Ron encouraged their daughter not to associate with Draco's son, Hermione expressed a more conciliatory attitude. Scorpius has inherited his father Draco's physical traits, meaning that he has blond hair, grey eyes, and a pale, pointed face. Malfoy also had a large role in The Cursed Child, and his character arc is thankfully explained a bit better as well. This may be one of the rare moments that Draco showed something other than disgust for Muggle-borns, though it is unknown whether he was aware of Myrtle's blood status and connection to the Chamber of Secrets' opening during Voldemort's time at Hogwarts. In Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen, sagte Draco, dass seine Mutter "ein paar Läden weiter ist und nach Zauberstäben sucht", als er mit Harry Potter sprach in Madam Malkins.Dies lässt vermuten, dass sein Zauberstab von seiner Mutter, Narzissa Malfoy, für Draco gekauft wurde und dass er von daher niemals "von ihm gewählt" wurde. However, his plans could have limitations based on his own arrogance when dealing with people. is the fanmade Draco Malfoy sister Caitlin Malfoy a Harry Potter spin-off. Neville Longbottom, whom he used to bully. This was something of a disappointment for Lucius and Narcissa, who had higher hopes of someone whose family featured on the "Sacred Twenty-Eight". Due to Draco's helpful role in Dumbledore's death, Voldemort liberated Lucius from Azkaban. [15], Draco in the Forbidden Forest with Harry Potter during their detention, Later in the year, Draco discovered Harry's plan to smuggle Hagrid's pet dragon Norbert out of the castle and informed Professor McGonagall of it, but was put in detention as well for being out past curfew. Draco Malfoy Quotes from Harry Potter and The Cursed Child. [13], In his second year at Hogwarts, Draco attained the position of Seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team. She often fawned over him, laughing loudly at his snide jokes, showing great concern when Draco was injured by Buckbeak in their third year,[16] and accompanying him to the Yule Ball in 1994. Draco Lucius Malfoy (b. Pansy Parkinson, his friend whom had a crush on him. Draco's father Lucius Malfoy was also present, who met Harry for the first time, and also encountered Arthur Weasley, who he insulted for associating with Muggles, such as the Grangers. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna. When Draco mocked him for how upset he became over the case, Hermione slapped Draco in anger. [17], Malfoy joins Dolores Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, Later that year, he joined Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, and clearly enjoyed the power this gave him over other students. 8,720 takers. Draco even stated that Snape should apply for the position of Headmaster, after Dumbledore was suspended. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Bellatrix was killed by Molly Weasley. [3], Draco after unintentionally hitting Hermione with the Densaugeo hex during a short duel with Harry, During his fourth year Hogwarts hosted the Triwizard Tournament, and, much to Draco's dismay and jealousy, Harry was chosen as a champion despite being too young. Even his physical appearance showed the stress, with greying skin, weight loss and bags under his eyes. After a number of feeble attempts, Draco began to crack under the enormous pressure that Voldemort was putting on him. Fred and George Weasley attempted twice to physically assault Draco; The first time was when he called Hermione Granger a "filthy little Mudblood"[13] and the second time after Draco insulted their mother and father, as well as Harry Potter's mother, Lily Evans (earning both twins, as well as Harry, a "lifetime Quidditch ban" from Dolores Umbridge) and made sure to hex Draco, along with other members of the Inquisitorial Squad, when they left Hogwarts. Draco realised from this that if the broken one was repaired, the cabinets could act as a passageway into the school. [15], Once at Hogwarts, Draco was Sorted into the Slytherin House, like many other members of his family. He was also friends with Blaise Zabini during their sixth year, as they sat together at Hogwarts Express, where they discussed Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley, who had all become members of the Slug Club. Draco with his father at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup, In 1994, Draco attended the 1994 Quidditch World Cup with his parents. Despite this, Draco greatly admired his father, often boasting about his influence and striving to be like him. [18], Draco planned to repair a Vanishing Cabinet that Peeves had destroyed four years previously, in order to smuggle Death Eaters into Hogwarts to assist him in killing Dumbledore. Draco Lucius Malfoy (b. Draco soon realizes that he was wrong and … Draco caught Harry running out of the last meeting of Dumbledore's Army, receiving fifty house points, for Slytherin, from Umbridge. Draco Lucius Malfoy is a major antagonist in the Harry Potter franchise, serving as the secondary antagonist of both the Sorcerer's Stone and the Half-Blood Prince, a major antagonist in the Chamber of Secrets, the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, and theOrder of the Phoenix; and a major anti-hero in the Deathly Hallows. [3], He was also the informer and impetus behind Rita Skeeter writing slanderous, sensationalist articles about Harry, Hagrid and Hermione for the Daily Prophet, due to him knowing that she was an animagus; this assault on Harry's credibility would set the stage for widespread disbelief of Harry's announcement that Lord Voldemort had returned at the end of the school year. In the final climatic battle, he and his family depart from the battle and were not seen in the. Accustomed to the preferential treatment he received from Severus Snape, and reaping the benefits of his family's connections and status, Draco tried to use his grandfather's good name to get close to Horace Slughorn, though Slughorn did little more than ignore him. He is frequently accompanied by his two cronies, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, who act as henchmen.Draco is characterised as a cowardly bully who tricks and hurts people to get what he wants; nevertheless, he is a cunning user of … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. After Draco was given a mission as a Death Eater, Bellatrix helped him and taught him Occlumency, nonverbal spells, and the Dark Arts. 1997 trieb Draco Albus Dumbledore in die Enge auf der Spitze des Astronomieturms und entwaffnete den Schulleiter. During his fifth year he was a Prefect, and later a Inquisitorial Squadmember . During Draco's sixth year, when he was assigned by Lord Voldemort to kill Albus Dumbledore, he became stressed out from the difficulty of the mission and the consequences of failure. He is a student in Harry Potter's year belonging in the Slytherin house. His personal relationships with his old school rivals has also changed from antagonistic to being civil and tolerating. Tom Felton is rewatching "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" alongside fans via Instagram Live. Draco often found himself at odds with Head of Gryffindor House Professor McGonagall, who never played favourites with any student, least of all Malfoy, though he showed her some level of grudging respect, while she did not accept Harry's accusations of Draco's crimes without sufficient evidence. Before Umbridge could carry through on her threat to use the Cruciatus Curse to make Harry talk, Hermione told Umbridge that they were trying to contact Albus Dumbledore about a "weapon" that he planned to use against the Ministry of Magic. Loyalty However, in his sixth year onward, when the stress of his mission was getting more intense, Draco's smug countenance was lost, and he became quite thin, with dark shadows under his eyes and a greyish tinge to his skin. Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl in Draco's year, was a close friend of Draco's at Hogwarts. Biographical information Draco similarly seemed to feel some respect toward Filius Flitwick. Draco also disliked the caretaker Argus Filch because he was a Squib and never hesitated to punish Draco, although they did work together in the Inquisitorial Squad. In turn, she was under the impression that Draco was a sensitive boy who was being bullied (which was true, though Myrtle would not have known Lord Voldemort was the one bullying him). He never referred to Ron or Hermione by their first names during the course of the original seven books. However, Harry didn't like the attitude Draco expressed towards Ron Weasley, with whom Harry had already made friends, and also found that Draco reminded him of his cousin Dudley, with his disdainful attitude. Dracos Mutter überließ ihm ihren Zauberstab. Both the Malfoys' and the Blacks had traditionally been in Slytherin House for centuries and strongly disapproved of any relatives who did not follow in this tradition, such as Sirius Black[13]. Bellatrix and Lucius are overjoyed when the Golden Trio are brought to Malfoy Manor, but given their recent bungling, they want to be extra sure before calling Lord Voldemort over. He was made a prefect of his house and was a member of the Inquisitorial Squad during his fifth year, at the end of which his father was imprisoned in Azkaban following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. [16] This outcome angered both Draco and his father. Draco's father and partial namesake, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, [[File:Screenshot 761.png|150px|thumb|Draco Malfoy as seen in GBA version of the Philosopher's Stone video game The initially shy and clumsy Neville regularly found himself on the receiving end of insults from Draco and his gang, and was often the butt of their jokes and pranks -- a fact which served only to make Neville clumsier and less confident. Draco attending a first year Potions class, Draco duelling Harry and Ron during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy duelling Harry Potter in 1992, Draco casting the Snake Summons Spell in 1992. Gender Add to library 63 » Discussion 225 » Follow author » Share . [18] During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lucius and Narcissa did not even attempt to fight, instead frantically searching for their son. Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (39741) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley (4377) Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley (1212) Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (1080) Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley (808) Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter (761) Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy … Draco was also friends with Theodore Nott, one of the few people whom he considered an equal, given that Theodore was just as pure-blooded and somewhat cleverer than him. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991 to 1998 and was sorted into Slytherin house. Draco would grow to have a deep respect and friendly relationship with Albus Potter and trusted him with helping Scorpius heal from the grief of losing his mother. Draco was raised in an atmosphere of regret that the Lord Voldemort had not succeeded in taking command of the wizarding community, although he was prudently reminded that such sentiments ought not to be expressed outside the small circle of the family and their close friends 'or Daddy might get into trouble'. *Achtung: Manche der oben angegebenen Links sind Affiliate-Links. In dem darauf folgenden Gefecht wurde Draco von Harry entwaffnet, der daraufhin seinen Zauberstab gewann. But Draco an excellent student, and was later a Prefect.However, when Voldemort wanted to punish Lucius … In addition, it is possible that Draco's aforementioned detente with Harry as adults might have been motivated, at least in part, to avoid having a similar relationship that Snape had with Harry's father and his friends after their own Hogwarts years. His wand was made of hawthorn, which one should only ever consider placing in the hands of a witch or wizard of proven talent. Lucius had requested the two in particular, as Jacob's sibling was ostensibly the best student in their year, whilst Merula was the daughter of two of Lucius' former Death Eater colleagues and thus considered the "right" type of person for Draco to associate with. In turn, Harry saved his life twice during the Battle of Hogwarts. Draco also teamed up with his former enemies to fight Delphini at St Jerome's Church in order to stop her from preventing Lord Voldemort's death. [2] Draco hatte keine Ahnung, dass er durch die Entwaffnung von Dumbledore der Meister seines Zauberstabs — des Elderstabs, eines der Heiligtümer des Todes[3] wurde. 1979. Multifandom Imagines — Traitor (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter sister) 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Via Elizabeth Jamieson, Unsplash Relationship information However, after Lucius's imprisonment in Azkaban, Draco came to resent Snape, believing him to have usurped his father's place in the ranks of the Death Eaters, and that he was trying to take Draco's chance of glory as well. Draco Malfoy was the Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch Team starting his second year at Hogwarts. [20], Draco disarms Albus Dumbledore on top of the Astronomy Tower, After the Battle of the Astronomy Tower, Draco could no longer return to Hogwarts, as he was an accomplice, however reluctantly, in the revered Albus Dumbledore's murder, mainly by being the one who let Death Eaters penetrate the castle's walls. Draco was, in general, an arrogant, spiteful bully for most of his early years. They ask Draco to validate if their captive is Harry Potter, but he doesn't give them enough confirmation. In a Care of Magical Creatures lesson, Draco unintentionally provoked the Hippogriff Buckbeak, and was injured, though he exaggerated how badly he was hurt for attention, and in an attempt to use the incident against Rubeus Hagrid to get him fired. When he and his friends saved Draco again later that day from a Death Eater Draco was pleading with, Ron punched him in the face and called him a “two-faced bastard”. ----- "Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something." [17], Sirius Black, his maternal first cousin, once removed. [13], Draco unknowingly being interrogated by Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, Harry, Ron, and Hermione suspected that Draco might be the Heir, given his bigoted views on Muggle-borns and his family's tradition of being Sorted into Slytherin House. Blaise was also one of the few people Draco had told about his mission, however he didn't seem to think highly of Draco's new position. Throughout the year, students would tease Draco by telling him that Professor Moody was behind him, causing him to flinch or shudder. Whether she was ever his girlfriend is unknown, but Draco eventually married Astoria Greengrass. Lord Voldemort[7] [20] Draco and Hermione became third cousins, once removed in law when Hermione married Ron Weasley. He seemed to have lost interest in Quidditch, and allowed (and possibly paid) Harper to take over instead. [20] It should be noted that the main reason behind Draco's enmity towards Harry was actually due to his jealousy of the latter.[29]. Fantasy Romance Harry Potter Haley Potter Draco Malfoy Hermione Granger ... Ron Weasley Narcissa Black Bellatrix Black Lucius Malfoy Lily Evans James Potter Severus Snape The marauders era reacts to the Potter movies, Dumbledore found the Potter twins movies in his office one day with a note to react to the movies. [3] Draco and Pansy were both members of the Inquisitorial Squad and Prefects in their fifth year,[17] which is indicative of their leadership roles in Slytherin House. This reached its pinnacle after Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Von Weißdornzauberstäben wird gesagt, dass Zauberstäbe "am besten aufgehoben" sind mit einem Zauberer, der eine Zeit des Umbruchs erlebt. Ironically enough, it was Draco's wand that Harry used in his final duel with Voldemort, though it had changed its allegiance to Harry by that point. [34] Rowling also compared Draco to Dudley Dursley; in addition to both being bullies, Draco was also "raised as a pampered only son, indoctrinated with his parents' beliefs". Draco Malfoy." Draco showed contempt for the teachers who lacked status or didn't fit his or his family's standards of blood purity, such as Remus Lupin, who was a Werewolf and consequently tended to look ragged and poor; Rubeus Hagrid, an unkempt half-giant; and Alastor Moody (Barty Crouch, Jnr in disguise), who was an Auror known for the extensive list of Death Eaters he had captured, as well as his intense paranoia. Since Crabbe was unable to control the curse, the Room of Requirement quickly filled with fire. [1] Er wurde ihm entwendet von Harry Potter im Landsitz der Familie Malfoy im Jahr 1998, was unvorhergesehene und enorme Konsequenzen hatte in Harrys finalem Duell mit Lord Voldemort. Nutzung von Community-Inhalten gemäß. Er war unfähig und unwillig, den Mord durchzuführen und Severus Snape übernahm es, Dumbledore zu töten gemäß ihres geheimen Plans. Draco was unable to complete his task of murdering Albus Dumbledore, which was later taken over by Severus Snape, and only performed his other duties fearfully and reluctantly. Draco Lucius Malfoy is a character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Blood status 5 June 1980) was a British pure-blood wizard and the only son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy (née Black). When Hermione lied to Bellatrix under torture about Godric Gryffindor's Sword, Draco was sent to fetch the goblin, Griphook, from the dungeons to get confirmation of the story, which he did by lying saying it was a fake, but the truth was it was the true sword. Pale[4][5] Subscribe to Comic ... Draco Malfoy Quiz | Ultimate Quizzes How much do you know about Harry Potter's enemy? He is noted for looking almost the same as his father did at age eleven. Harry: "Yeah, reckon so." He visited the school himself when Lucius came to inspect, and his father entrusted Jacob's sibling and Merula Snyde to babysit him, a decision which did not rub off well with any of the three. 1. The safety of his family rested on Draco's success with his mission. Arthur then attacked Lucius in an angry rage, prompting them all to leave the shop. Draco responded angrily to this accusation, and called Hermione a "filthy little Mudblood," causing the Gryffindor Quidditch team to lash out at him; Ron tried to curse him to vomit slugs, but the spell backfired due to his broken wand, which Draco and his team found very amusing. Silver-blonde[4] In his previous year at Hogwarts a fellow Slytherin, Graham Montague, had been forced into it by the Weasley twins and later managed to apparate out as a last resort to free himself from the limbo-like space into which he had vanished. Lord Voldemort, his former master and former idol. Draco Malfoy is a misguided childish character who tries to annoy Harry Potter, but ends up in way over his head.He talks constantly of Mars' Wizarding School, Pigfarts, and its headmaster, Rumbleroar.In an attempt to be recognized by others, Draco figures out a way to let Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters into Hogwarts. Born Socially, Draco forced Crabbe and Goyle to assume the forms of other people with Polyjuice Potion, to help him keep watch outside the Room of Requirement, while refusing to tell them anything, and seemingly to distance himself from them. "And my name's Malfoy. Though it is unknown if he has any relation to Harry himself, of if they even know about that fact. Snape, in turn, took Draco as his favourite student and showed him undeserved lenience on several occasions, which likely had something to do with Snape's long-time comradeship with Draco's father, or on the pretext of it, given that Snape defected from the Death Eaters. This scene was improvised by both actors, adding the "awkward" element. Polyester, Exclusive of … Severus Snape, his favourite teacher and former head of house. Draco also might have been motivated by a desire to redeem himself from his Death Eater past. Draco also appeared to be friendly with Marcus Flint, as shown when Flint defended Draco against Fred and George Weasley, and again when he assisted Draco and his gang in their attempts to psych Harry out during a Quidditch game by disguising as dementors. [28] Theodore and Draco did laugh together at Hermione's blood-status once, and Nott was also seen with Draco and his gang after Harry listed their fathers names in a Quibbler article. This is an officially licensed Harry Potter costume. As such, Draco often ridiculed Dumbledore's ideals and choices. When Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were captured in his home, Draco showed great hesitation in identifying them before the Death Eaters. Snape continued to protect Draco even after they fled from the Battle of the Astronomy Tower together; when questioned by Voldemort about Draco's actions during his attempted murder of Dumbledore, Snape lied and told the Dark Lord that Malfoy hadn't lowered his wand and emphasised the young student's ability to get Death Eaters into Hogwarts as well as cornering Dumbledore, which allowed Snape to kill him. Draco is noted to strongly resemble his father. [13] When Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey were applauded for bringing everyone who was petrified back to their normal ways, Draco did not clap for them, but instead gave them an evil snobbish look. [18], However, when Draco was finally given the opportunity to kill Dumbledore, who had just expressed his willingness to protect Draco and his family were they to "come over to the right side," he could not bring himself to commit murder; considering that they spent the few minutes of alone time to discuss how Draco smuggled his accomplices into the castle, Dumbledore concluded that Draco would find committing murder impossible. ----- "Oh how silly we ve been!" Draco was raised to believe in the inferiority of Muggle-borns, and by his second year, his father had told him he should be ashamed that Hermione beat him in all of his school marks. Draco joined the Death Eaters at age sixteen, when Lord Voldemort threatened to kill his parents if he failed in his mission to assassinate Albus Dumbledore. [1], Draco eventually married Astoria Greengrass, the younger sister of fellow Slytherin classmate Daphne Greengrass,[21] who had gone through a similar (though less violent and frightening) conversion from pure-blood ideals to a more accepting and tolerant way of life. Snape's defence of Malfoy saved the boy's life and convinced Voldemort to free Lucius Malfoy from Azkaban, for which Draco reconciled with Snape. Draco was more strict with Scorpius than his parents were to him, accepting that his son must be punished for having brought the wizarding world back to the times where Voldemort was in power. Sometime after the end of the war, Draco married Astoria Greengrass, whose older sister was in the same year as him at Hogwarts. During his years at Hogwarts, he became friends … Draco even admitted that he had always envied Harry, Ron, and Hermione's friendship.