When the Matrix was stolen away to another universe and pierced by a psychic shard of the native Windblade, Optimus' spirit guided her to destroy the Matrix so she could save her own universe. The number 0 is not a prime number. Amazon Prime Day to be held on October 13-14. Half was stored away in the prime master, the other was used to bring Optimus to life. The Crucible In this era of peace, the Liege Maximo was responsible for building and maintaining the alliance between the Thirteen; in honor of his feats, Liege Maximo's followers became known as skilled diplomats and negotiators. Cody established himself as a quick swimmer in the town he lives in, attracting the attention of a girl named Sam. When an AA member killed a mother & child in Honolulu, a five-year investigation ensued. It was to this landscape that the Decepticon Shockwave was cast back in time by the destruction of his chronal drive, andâafter an encounter with a kindly shepherd named Onyxârealised from his extensive historical foreknowledge that he could study why Cybertronians inevitably fell to war by ensuring that history followed the path he knew that it must. 2016 | TV-MA | 1h 40m | Social & Cultural Docs. Cloaked in mystery even more than his fellow Primes, this nameless warrior's legacy is carried forwards in the Autobot leaders of the present day. [10] The Thirteenth Prime was, however, made into a Prime Master too, transforming into a core resembling the Matrix of Leadership. Tales of the Fallen #4, A long time passed, and The Fallen was eventually dug up. But more so half of Optimus. 13th, from director Ava DuVernay, is a 2016 Netflix original documentary that will expertly walk you through how slavery—supposedly abolished by the 13th … The Thirteen Primes created by Primus himself - in the Prime/Aligned universe, and my universe as well. Solus Prime intervened to save Prima's life, but Megatronus killed her with the Star Saber that she had created. Having been enlightened on the value of myths and stories by Alpha Trion, Onyx Prime began telling tales of his own, inspiring Alchemist with legends of a "Chosen One" and dreaming up a new insignia to commemorate their allianceâOrigin Myths all, of course, based on his own knowledge of what the future held. The Crucible Battle lines were drawn, but allegiances shifted throughout the war, necessitating betrayals and new alliances; Onyx initially allied with Micronus, White Heat but by ten million years ago, with the war drawing to a close, his tribe of beast mode Transformers had joined forces with Nexus Prime and his combiners. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. Amazon is aiming to kickstart the holiday shopping season early this year. The recently released documentary that chronicles the Nov. 18, 1999, Aggie Bonfire collapse and its aftermath is now available for viewing on Amazon Prime. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/20 Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08, As the Olympians, several of the Thirteen deviated from both their more common gender identities and their status as siblings; Vector considered Hades and Poseidon to be his uncles, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/20 and because of the animosity between Hephaestus and Aphrodite, Zeus decreed that they should be bonded together to avoid further conflict (which only made things worse). Each member of the Thirteen led a different life following the War of the Primes: 1. List of prime numbers up to 100: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, ... Is 0 a prime number? An intelligent look at reality versus manipulated perception, where one is forced to question everything. From his prison, he pushed High Protector Megatron into forming the Decepticons. “Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners. [email protected] From what Ive read (mainly tfwiki with a few others thrown in), the thirteenth is Optimus. Finally, there came a time when Prima had to relinquish the Matrix. One of them, Logos Prime, lost sight of his objective and memory of him faded away. 2.Vector Prime the Interdimensional Traveler. He was under a lot pressure from a big swim meet coming up and because he's failing biology. Optimus Primal claimed this mantle when he united the power of the Primes. The Hallowing, Though Maximo soon perished and Shockwave was taken prisoner, the Decepticon's machinations had forced all of Cybertron accept a bitter truth; the Thirteen had been nothing more than ordinary Cybertronians. 2. Buy Season 1 HD $13.99. Exiles, When Unicron stirred, Optimus Prime explained the history of the Thirteen to his human allies. The Change In Your Nature Part Five, The Primes were the guardians of the AllSpark, charged with replenishing it. Following Unicron's exile, the Primes began reshaping their world before the manipulations of Liege Maximo caused the group to descend into civil war. The Author: William Struse. Supposedly the thirteenth prime was killed by megatronus and his spark was split in 2. The Matrix did not bestow itself onto another until the unworthy Sentinel died, and Optimus Prime was imbued with it, while his nemesis had become known as Megatron, who like his namesake had come to destroy that he believed in. Dweller In The Depths Under unknown circumstances, Alchemist adopted the alias of "Maccadam" and hid his connection to the group though rumours, ones that Bumblebee personally didn't buy into, of his true origins circled around. Windblade vol. After the departure of the mythical Knights of Cybertron, Cybertronian civilization, deprived of their benevolent guidance, descended once more into a primitive state of barbarism, with lesser tribal leaders carving out kingdoms and territories of their own. The Medium and the Message Optimus's supposed divinity proved a double-edged sword as he grew increasingly bold and unilateral in his decision making; leaning on the faith of others to unconditionally support his choices, he wound up annexing Earth into the Council of Worlds and sparking an interplanetary diplomatic crisis. Buy Episode 1 HD $2.99. Seeing the endless stalemate between him and Unicron, Primus created the Thirteen, warriors in the mould of himself and Unicron, to fight in his stead and introduce random variables. Go to Homepage. The 13th … Dweller In The Depths Through this, the bearer of the Matrix could commune with the Thirteen and seek their power and wisdom in times of crisis. The combined knowledge of the Thirteen was hidden away in the Athenaeum Sanctorum. With Antonio Banderas, Diane Venora, Dennis Storhøi, Vladimir Kulich. 13/13=1. The two armies agreed to a truce, and all eight primes vowed to work together to rebuild and unify their planet. The 13th Prime Quotes Showing 1-30 of 79. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08, As "quasi-humans", the Thirteen would become known to the local humans as the gods of Olympus. 1.Prima the Leader. Optimus Prime didn't really seem to understand what Megatronus was talking about. Write … As part of Optimus's training, Micronus challenged him to a test which resulted in him unlocking the capabilities of the Prime Decepticon Hunter. After the Thirteen were torn apart by internal conflict, Optimus chose to be reborn as an ordinary Cybertronian through the Well of All Sparks, losing memory of his past and becoming known as Orion Pax. Maccadam's Alpha Trion, meanwhile, carried the Matrix of Leadership, seeking to pass it on to a worthy bearer; he eventually found someone worthy in Optimus Prime, and passed the Matrix on to him after Trion was mortally wounded, inducting him as a Prime. I expect you to be great inventors and creators, too.” They curled into his chamber as well, comfortably cuddling with the others. Share. More purchase options. Amazon Prime Day will take place Oct. 13 and 14 this year, the company announced Monday. Following the Great Cataclysm, Prima and Alchemist Prime disappeared with Alpha Trion choosing to fall into obscurity. Solus Prime was murdered by Megatronus, an act that made him rename himself "The Fallen", with her body melting aw… To Walk Among the Chosen, Liege Maximo escaped from his imprisonment in Carcer in 2017, following a zombie Titan invasion on Cybertron. Megatronus's name was soon forgotten by history, and he became known only as "the Fallen". This intense sci-fi murder mystery plays like a stylish and moody film noir. The war finally ended when Galvatron and Nova Major famously routed the bestial hordes of Onyx Prime and, with Trion's aid and blessing, united the tribes as one planet under Nova Prime. Out of Focus Though Optimus did not fully complete his training, he had six of the Primes in the Realm of the Primes send him to Earth to deal with the return of Megatronus, Battlegrounds, Part 1 which he successfully accomplished with the aid of the Bee Team. Disgusted by this fusion, Galvatron abandoned his post in Megatronus' army to slaughter the Headmasters to the last 'bot. Traditionally a prophecy is written: that a chosen one will take up that Matrix and lead Cybertron into a golden age, effectively becoming the Thirteenth Prime. They commanded Seekers and workers to find stars and replenish the AllSpark with their energy. Millions of years later, the Mistress of Flame would come to believe that Optimus Prime was the Arisen, a belief that Optimus exploited to effect change on Earth; and Shockwave named Optimus as the Arisen while in the guise of Onyx Prime. Later on however, Arcee would come to the conclusion that the Arisen's true name hadn't mattered compared to the heroic legacy he'd left behind. Origin Myths, While Megatronus's legions marched on Crystal City, the united Primes were bolstered by Onyx Prime and his other student, Liege Maximo, The First Who Was Named whose kingdom had been claimed by the Darklander advance. The Thirteenth Prime—whose name was eventually forgotten, with Cybertron remembering him only as the Arisen—was one of the leaders of the Thirteen Tribes, who came together with his fellow Primes in Crystal City to build a new civilization. As a result, the Thirteen became little more than a myth in the new era. Once Upon a Time on Earth New recruits from Caminus, Eukaris, Velocitron, and Devisiun believed wholeheartedly in Optimus's status as one of the Thirteen and began wearing mouthplates to better emulate their leader. To minimise unwanted attention from those who sought the power they held, the Prime Masters hid themselves inside special decoy armor, which cloaked their vast power from the outside world. The Story: With the discovery of the 13th Enumeration an age old battle that has lurked in the shadows of world history, threatens to explode onto the world stage.The Order & their forces of darkness wage an unrelenting war to keep the secret, the success of their diabolical plans for the human race dependent upon mankind’s ignorance … Unforgivable, In certain universes, the Thirteen visited Greece in a time before human technology was advanced enough for them to assume vehicular disguises. 4. Tap to unmute. 13/1=13. Rubicon Heavy The First Who Was Named, The fallout from Maximo's betrayal sparked the First Cybertronian Civil War, turning the tribes against one another in a planet-wide conflict. In the wake of Solus Prime's death at Megatronus's hands, the remaining members chose to seal away the Requiem Blaster in Primal Swamp, tasking a series of guardians with protecting it that culminated in Optimus Primal. Surfeit of Primes Liege was taken into custody while Optimus and the Council of Worlds entered negotiations with Onyx, but the Prime's manipulations caused infighting and chaos, as well as an explosion that killed Alpha Trion. Prime members can grab a pair of third-gen Echo Dots for $40 with code DOTPRIME2PK, which is $10 less than the price you’d usually pay for one. n is a natural number (including 0) in the definitions. However, their first planetary landing on the world of Antilla ended in a brutal conflict and the extinction of the native Antillans, with Prima blaming Megatronus for the expedition's failure. Wrath of Karza #5, The colony of Caminus detected a Cybertronian beacon emanating from the planet Antilla and sent three representatives to make contact with their ancestors. This video is about The Thirteen Primes of Transformers. “Onyx Prime… The company is holding its annual Prime … Tales of the Fallen #3 The Fallen slaughtered all his brothers bar Prima himself, who gathered his brothers' lifeforce to trap The Fallen in his sarcophagus. Prima led the early Cybertronians and is thought to have died in the Great Cataclysm. Watch with Prime Start your 30-day free trial. Main article: Optimus Prime (WFC) The Thirteenth Prime was Optimus Prime, the mediator and visionary of the Primes, who united them by being the first of their number to raise a hand in greeting. His biological mother is a mermaid who left him on the Griffins' boat when he was a baby. The development of the concept is described in this section to minimize confusion; for details of their history and actions in specific bits of fiction, see below. The Thirteen did indeed succeed in defeating Unicron but were infected with a touch of the Chaos-Bringer's darkness as a result of direct proximity to the Dark God. Afterwards, the Covenant of Primus decreed Cybertron could only have one Prime at a time. Planetfall He would return under the name of Soundblaster, abducting Optimus Primal and Megatron so he could apparently appoint Megatron as his successor. We discovered courts order violent/sexual offenders to AA meetings, unknown to the public. The Hero's, The First, The Forgotten, The Legendary Primes. Picking up just days after the conclusion of The 13th Enumeration , The 13th Prime follows our heroes’ journey to discover what is really meant by the Biblical prophecy referencing “the times of the Gentiles.” Master of the Game While Vector Prime and what remained of Logos Prime fought on the astral plane, Soundblaster revealed the Zeonomicon, the key to his power, and had Optimus and Megatron hunt it down on Animatron to decide who would inherit his power. Vector Prime was Hermes; the rage-filled Megatronus was Ares; the hard-working Solus Prime was Hephaestus; the wise Alpha Trion was Athena; the eldest of their number Prima was Zeus; his close ally Nexus Maximus was Hera; the nature-loving hunter Onyx Prime was Artemis; the hard-drinking Alchemist Prime was Dionysus; the vain and manipulative Liege Maximo was Aphrodite; the healer Autonomous Prime was Apollo; the chaotic Adaptus was Poseidon; the solitary Mortilus was Hades; and the knowledge-sharing Epistemus was Demeter. *Titan: Emissary (deceased) *Planet: Elonia (consumed by Unicron) *Descendants: Eucryphia, Nova Prime. W.W.O.D.? By ordering or viewing, you agree to our Terms. Origin Myths The Crucible. At the end of his life, Optimus would claim to be the Arisen but perished before he could explain the statement. Another Mine With all of his plans falling into place, Shockwave discarded his "Onyx" identity, having no further use for it after he cast Optimus into the Crystal City singularity. The Thirteenth Tale. Exodus The chamber of the High Council of Cybertron had statues depicting the Primes. Instead, twelve of their number dwelled on Mount Olympus and used holomatter avatars to interact with the natives, Ask Vector Prime, 2015/07/20 while Mortilus remained beneath the Earth with their ship, alongside his vassal Bruticus. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/08/08. Surfeit of Primes Following the expedition's return to Caminus, the Torchbearer Pyra Magna encountered Onyx Prime when an army of robotic beasts terrorized the inhabitants of Parvus Oppidum so they could retrieve a sample of Ore-4. Vector Primeleft to travel the universe throughout both space and time. Quintus, Amalgamous, Vector Prime and The Fallen left Cybertron outright. The First Who Was Named, Eventually, Galvatron tracked down and confronted Nexus Prime, obliterating the Prime with a single blast. The Crucible, One way or another, the Thirteen departed Cybertron and vanished from history at around the same time that the thirteen Titans departed Cybertron, with the intent of founding new colonies elsewhere in the galaxy. Each of us designated a, Furman talks about the Thirteen in an interview on DeviantArt, Rook - Axiom Nexus News: Investigative Journalist, https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Thirteen&oldid=1489245, The notion of the Primes being originally huge is similar to early. A documentary about the tragic Texas A&M bonfire collapse that left 12 dead and 27 injured. The dominant religion on Caminus exalted Solus Prime as the greatest of the Thirteen, The Sum and Its Parts while the four tribes of Eukaris and their prophet Blackarachnia viewed Onyx Prime as a benevolent protector. . The Mind Bomb, Together, Onyx Prime and Prima hunted down Megatronus aboard Prima's Titan Emissary, finding him on the planet Tsiehshi. Cody Griffin is an adopted teenager. The Thirteenth Tale 1 h 29 min 2013 16+ Sigue a la anciana novelista Vida Winter, que recluta a una joven escritora para que finalmente cuente la historia de su vida, incluida su misteriosa infancia en Angelfield House, que se quemó cuando era una adolescente. Amongst the Thirteen's many experiences, Hades and Demeter quarrelled over a woman named Persephone; Vector would later note that as "quasi-humans" their conflicts were far more petty and frequent. As she left, she was spotted by Big John Wheatly, a fisherman who had since became obsessed with finding mermaids. Together, they raised a new army of Headmasters using the Enigma of Combination. Throne of the Primes packaging, In a darker timeline, Optimus Prime was slain in his initial confrontation with Megatron and his spirit came to rest as the Thirteenth Prime within the accumulated wisdom of the Matrix of Leadership. *Artifacts: Origin Matrix, Star Saber. Directed by John McTiernan, Michael Crichton. Alpha Trion retreated into becoming the Archivist of the Hall of Records when Sentinel Prime, the High Council, and the Guilds of Cybertron ignored his protests about the caste system. Battlegrounds, Part 2, Legendary figures in Cybertronian society, the Thirteen were the first of the Primes, each having a psychic pillar dedicated to them in the Matrix of Leadership where their spirits persisted after their physical deaths. Dance Among the Shadows Starscream: The Movie, Micronus Prime, master of Prion, White Heat was known to have abandoned his native universe entirely after founding a colony of Mini-Cons. Zero is not a … Pax would eventually take up the Matrix of Leadership to become Optimus Prime once again, and—after sacrificing his life to restore Cybertron—rejoined his brethren in the Realm of the Primes, where they trained him for a mission to Earth in order to defeat his fallen brother Megatronus. With Cybertron now in a "golden age", Onyx advised the Thirteen's leader Prima to spread Cybertron's "enlightenment" to other worlds, with their expeditionâled by Onyx and Megatronus, with Alpha Trion accompanying them as recordskeeperâbeing the first to leave the planet since the Knights of Cybertron. Knowing that Megatronus's conquests would be the impetus for the founding of Cybertronian civilization, Shockwave allowed his pupil to run amok; The First Who Was Named Megatronus thus began a new war of conquest to expand the Darklands, annexing nearby regions such as the city of Protohex and the Forgotten Plains, murdering neighbouring ruler Septimus Prime and recruiting the fearsome twin gladiators Galvatron and Arcee to become his vanguards. One Shall Rise, Part 1, Before Optimus Prime was to die, Predacons Rising the Primes intercepted his spark and brought him to their realm. The "Dark Cybertron" prophecy and idea of the Chosen One were specifically concocted to ensure Starscream's future rise to power, as a "fool" like Starscream would not be able to see through Shockwave's machinations. Defiance #2 Thousands of years later, Optimus Prime, the sole surviving descendant of the Primes to survive The Fallen's rampage, Revenge of the Fallen #3 had been killed. Decepticon Island (Part 1), After his death, Optimus was able to appear to Bumblebee when the Primes deemed the young bot's need was most dire. The Thirteenth Prime was Optimus Prime, the mediator and visionary of the Primes, who united them by being the first of their number to raise a hand in greeting. War World: Prime, Megatronus immediately recognized Optimus Prime as 13, a fellow original Prime, and asked him to accept the truth of his past. 1. My dove, my undefiled is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is … Planetfall. The two armies met in a battle that had the unexpected side effect of awakening three slumbering TitansâMetroplex, Metrotitan, and Chelaâfrom beneath Cybertron's surface, but while the armies were distracted by the arrival of the colossal beings, Onyx "realized" that their enemy was his "old friend" Megatronus. Silent Strike, In the modern era, the only known members of the Thirteen to survive were Alpha Trion and Alchemist Prime. The skirmish claimed both Maximo and Solus Prime. The concept of the Thirteen has only been around for about a third of the Transformers brand's thirty-year history, and the slow drip-feeding of information that characterized the early stages of their story was not been presented in a very linear manner. Amazon Prime Day is October 13th and 14th, Shop the deals already available Amazon. Prime Video: The Thirteenth Floor. Below are listed the first prime numbers of many named forms and types. In this thought-provoking documentary, scholars, activists and politicians analyze the criminalization of African Americans and the U.S. prison boom. Revenge of the Fallen. Follows aging novelist Vida Winter, who enlists a young writer to finally tell the story of her life including her mysterious childhood spent in Angelfield House, which burned to the ground when she was a teenager. 13TH. The sparks of the original Primes were carried by the Prime Masters, diminutive Transformers who, when in spark mode, could unite with larger Transformers to grant them the powers of the Primes to wield as they choose. Allegiances formed and broke apart: Megatronus refused to bow before his brothers, and he believed he would be vindicated someday despite his destructive methods. Add to Watchlist. One Shall Rise, Part 3, Alpha Trion remained on Cybertron, recording these events into the Covenant, and the Primes became myths doubted by some. ã§ã³ã Enshento) were the original clan of Transformers created by Primus before he became Cybertron, and possessed extraordinary powers over space and time. First Contact Exact details are unclear, but the mythologies of several of these colony planets claim that the Primes, including Solus Prime and Onyx Prime, had spearheaded the colonization missions themselves and subsequently left these newly settled worlds to their own devices. The very earliest seeds of the Thirteen can probably be found in material produced by 3H Productions for BotCo… As such, Shockwave murdered Onyx and took his identity as "Onyx Prime" in order to engineer the rise of the Thirteen Primes; his first act was to christen the most fearless member of Onyx's flock as "Megatronus", taking him on as a student. This page was last modified on 30 December 2020, at 13:25. Athenaeum Sanctorum, During a crisis, the Mistress of Flame prayed to Primus and the Thirteen for spiritual guidance and aid. Onyx, Micronus and Optimus Prime chose to descend into the Core and join Primus so they could aid in the creation of the Cybertronian race with Prima, Alpha Trion and Alchemist Prime remaining on Cybertron to act as stewards for the newborn species while Nexus Prime separated himself into separate individuals to live among the ordinary Cybertronians. The Hallowing, The eight original Primes were soon joined by five more, and over time Cybertron's inhabitants united under the banner of the Thirteen Tribes, each Prime building a distinct civilization. So 13 is a prime number. A repentant splinter of Liege Maximo's old tribe agreed to keep their former leader and his Titan permanently interred, renaming their dormant Titan "Carcer". The Sum and Its Parts Windblade vol. White Heat Over the years, however, the decidedly mortal Primes had come to believe that they were inherently superior to other Cybertronians due to their powerful artifacts and historic feats; indeed, it was commonly held only another Prime could kill a Prime, though this was decidedly untrue. Only Galvatron and Trion were left aware of what had happened to the Thirteen Primes; Alpha Trion simply let himself fade into the background of Cybertronian society, his true background as a Prime forgotten by the general populace. Subscribe for $1.08/mo. Transformers: Forged to Fight, https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Thirteenth_Prime&oldid=1473490, The "Multiversal" Thirteen established by, It's not entirely explicit what's going on with The Thirteenth in, The Prime Master of The Thirteenth is visually based on. Upon hearing Pyra Magna vocalize this, Shockwave claimed this acceptance had been part of his plan to render all faiths and beliefs on Cybertron meaningless in preparation for Unicron's arrival. When they arrived, they found the planet to be a rusted wasteland ruled by Onyx Prime, who murdered Magrada. Megatronus fled the planet, while Liege Maximo was captured by the Primes and imprisoned within his titan, Vigilem, whom the other Titans deemed unworthy of remembrance and exiled into space. Doug and Hannon, on the thirteenth floor of an office block, create a living simulation of 1937 Los Angeles on a computer chip. Prima sacrificed himself to form a tomb with his brothers' bodies to hide the Matrix. Overlord and Emissary, When forced to take Lodestar on an almost certainly suicidal mission against a crazed Vigilem, Lightbright prayed that the Thirteen would see the two through their task. Megatronus killed Prima before being slain by Onyx, his usefulness to Shockwave's machinations at an end; Emissary carried Prima's body to the stars, but Onyx ensured that he would crash on a faraway planet. Exodus, During his travels across the galaxy, Optimus Prime encountered both Vector and Nexus Prime both of whom expressed surprise that Alpha Trion still lived and wondered if any of their other brothers might still be alive. Covenant of Primus, What lore regarding the Primes survived into the pre-War era is that their war made "enemies of brothers, murderers of lovers, heroes of the insignificant, and cowards of the mighty". Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me . The Other One, When the Matrix of Leadership merged with Orion Pax, its Mediator program explained that, although the talisman had been carried by a number of Cybertronians over the years, they were but stewards until the Matrix found the Thirteenth Prime, its true bearer. The Book: The 13 th Prime. The Prime Master of the Thirteenth formed the core of the Matrix of Leadership, which selected Optimal Optimus as its bearer. Read "The 13th Prime: Deciphering the Jubilee Code The Thirteenth Series, #2" by William Struse available from Rakuten Kobo. Matrix of Leadership, The fact that Optimus Prime is not, apparently, an ancient Cybertronian like he is in the, We are the 13, the first, the forgotten, each of us serving a function vital to the survival of the universe. After the Thirteen were torn apart by internal co… Rubicon The Camien Chromia was released from prison by Cybertron's leader Starscream to hunt Maximo down, Heavy The Chosen One but Liegeâwho, by this point, had come to understand his master's decision to exile him aboard his loyal Titanâwas found by Onyx, and brought with him in chains on his return to Cybertron. The Primes appeared to Sam Witwicky, giving him the Matrix to revive Optimus, and Optimus avenged The Fallen's brothers by killing him. Watch for $0.00 with Prime. Other tribal leaders who had arisen, including Alchemist Prime, Vector Prime, Solus Prime, Nexus Prime and Alpha Trion, agreed in the face of Megatronus's conquests to work together, uniting their followers and founding a small village that they named "Crystal City." “Alchemist Prime and Nexus Prime. *Artifacts: Badge of Vector Prime, Blades of Time. A sci-fi thriller about an experiment gone awry, resulting in a murder mystery that veers between 1937 Los Angeles and the present day. 3. More details are in the article for the name. Directed by Charlie Minn. With Darrin Allen, John Comstock, Demetra Cooks, Bill Davis. The Thirteenth Prime, or more briefly 13, is the last of the Thirteen original epic warriors of Cybertron. The 13th Prime references many of the events Zane Harrison and Rachael Neumann return to solve the mystery of the Jubilee Code in the second installment of The Thirteenth Series: The 13th Prime . The Fallen began seeing himself as the AllSpark's chosen one and began destroying solar systems with sentient life to replenish the Cube. Dear Vector Prime, After the 13th prime Optimus went to the well of AllSpark to be reborn as Orion Pax, In the End he became a prime again and got the matrix of leadership and became Optimus Prime, Does Optimus know his previous memory of being a Prime or when he was 1 of the 13?