English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Find more words at wordhippo.com! But we can say waters when revering to different types of waters in sea, oceans, river and ect. The problem is, some students—especially ESL students—aren’t sure how to make analysis plural. It is done for pedagogical reasons. But the justice was bound to exercise his discretion. @BarrieEngland, when I see someone saying such things, I usually interpret it as "there is no such word in my dialect. Weitere Ideen zu englisch, englischunterricht, englisch grundschule. Only the first five hits were from the other sections of the newspaper, four of them written by the same person, Burton Crane. If part of them were there, then to a fine of such a part of the twenty shillings, as the articles of his arms and equipments absent were in proportion to the whole articles required: which proportion, from the nature of the equipments, it must have been difficult to ascertain. You have not given an example set of sentences, so there is no way to tell whether you want a singular collective sense or not. 'ox, n. pl. Google (and other search engines use 'stemming' which sometimes cuts off suffixes. Google Books search results for equipments turn up a multitude of matches for the term in publications from the period 1700–1817—something on the order of 170 unique matches. At first, a couple of general remarks on the count/non-count dichotomy in linguistics. The form that I've heard the most is "piece of equipment.". There are 30 occurrences in quotations (I excluded definitions). In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be equipment. (3) Organizational units providing maintenance for more than 100 of these equipments shall determine the total quantity of parts required by converting the equipment quantity to a decimal factor by placing a decimal point before the next to last digit of the number to indicate hundredths, and multiplying the decimal factor by the parts quantity authorized in the 51–100 allowance column. @BarrieEngland, I see. Zum Inhalt springen. Unmistakably, equipments is not a typo here. Clearly the plural form continues to be used—but where and by whom? In English, there are six sibilant consonants, namely /s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ/. Nonetheless, equipments also exists as a word, just with a non-collective meaning. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Form Regular plurals. Kochen. (2006), Several ski equipments are presented. 'dictionaries leave out the plural': yes, they do but they also don't mark if a word is a mass noun like 'water', so you can't tell if there is no plural form as in a mass noun. Searching the archives from 1980 to present and manually going through the results, I got 28 hits only. If you are doing quantitative research in any of the STEM fields, you will likely use analysis in all of your written reports and throughout your college career.. Bei diesen Fragen müssen Sie eine vorgegebene Zahl ins Englische übersetzen und die korrekte Schreibweise bestimmen. Was gehört zu einem guten Gaming-PC-Set? One the other hand, as Payne and Huddleston (2002) argue, “many nouns can be used with either a count or non-count interpretation”. Gregory Kibitz. Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch für Flugzeug im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Why has Pakistan never faced any wrath of the USA similar to other countries in the region especially Iran? For example, I searched The Times and The Sunday Times, and “equipments” returned zero hits. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. David, are you telling me that there is no such relation between water, folk and equipment as I have seen it ? Mail Online, 05. To address some of the controversy mentioned elsewhere: 'the OED has 34 entries': if you look at what a current search for 'equipment' returns 34 of, it is 'stemming' (removing suffixes) in some arbitrary fashion. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Content' auf Duden online nachschlagen. For example what is the plural of water- water. The activation thereafter had to be done in special, The company took aggressive steps to prevent illegal use of their, Certainly this was no place to set down the full weight of Astro nor to protect the crew and, The company forayed into the Chinese and Kazakhstan markets and secured orders for gas turbine generating, He wanted to give me money from his private purse to replace my, We possess 6000 square meter factory with modern management and. rev 2021.2.18.38600, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. 1, Equipments which are primâ facie evidence of a Vessel being engaged in the Slave Trade. Ihre Aufgabe besteht dann darin, die Uhrzeit auf Englisch zu nennen. Another example is folk and folks. seventeen – 20th century (most of them are used in engineering or military contexts). entlehnt von gleichbedeutend englisch equipment → en „Ausrüstung“ Synonyme: [1] Ausrüstung, Gerätschaft, Geräte, Ausstattung, Zubehör. Why does catting a symlinked file and redirecting the output to the original file make the latter file empty? Equipments has been in continuous use as a plural form of equipment in English for centuries, as this Ngram chart tracking instances of equipments across the years years 1700–2008 indicates: However, the areas where equipments functions as an acceptable plural are rather narrow: as other answerers have noted, it is extremely unusual (and sounds flatly wrong in U.S. English) for someone to ask "Do you have all the equipments you need?" If you are an L2 learner of English, I’d recommend forgetting about the existence of that form altogether. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Plural/Mehrzahl – Schreibweise – Übung. All the new ships. How do you describe the “three breads” in the picture? I got 9983 results, with the highest peak for 1960-1969 – 1524 results. Mehrzahl: opskrbljivanja ... × Werbung entfernen. On the one hand, as Allan showed in his 1980 paper in “Language”, it is better to think of countability as a continuum, see the following examples (from the most countable to the least countable): car, oak, cattle, scissors, mankind, admiration, equipment, Himalayas. In natural languages, there is obviously a lot of variation. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für equipment im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). Those who say 'there is no such word as . Die Fragewörter erklärt dir Michael Meisenzahl im Fahrradladen. ↑ Aldous Huxley: Brave New World. If the soldier appeared with his arms and equipments not in good order, he was to be fined three shillings: and perhaps a proportion of the twenty shillings for the articles not present. Vintage, London 2004, ISBN 9780099477464, Seite 1 Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'equipment' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. A comparison of equipment and equipments shows that the plural form does occur but at a much smaller frequency than the plural form. A Google book search for equipments turns up more than 400 unique matches from the period 1972–2008. Same with The Guardian. Schreibe die richtige englische Pluralform in die Lücke. tyre Bedeutung, Definition tyre: 1. a thick rubber ring, often filled with air, that is fitted around the outer edge of the wheel of…. Which was the first magazine presented in electronic form, on a data medium, to be read on a computer? Why do I get a 'food burn' alert every time I use my pressure cooker. I shall go and look them up, and hopefully learn something. 17. Beispiel aufklappen. in reference to various types of equipments or a collection of equipments. If he was absent, and his arms and equipments complete, he was then subject to a fine of ten shillings only. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be equipment.. 1873 Act 36 & 37 Vict. Praktische Beispielsätze. In the modern age of surveying, the electronic equipments like Robotic Total Station, Digital Levels and Laser Levels can make our fieldwork tasks very easy, due to their versatile functionalities. Ein guter PC ist nicht alles. Sometimes these techniques become unsatisfactory due to non-fulfillment of certain requirements like obstruction of line of sight and steep slope of the area. (1984). Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Oils, drugs, office equipments and a number of the high-price stocks known as … (1961). So that in every case, where he was liable to a fine, he was liable to more than one, except when all his arms and equipments were on the parade and in good order. Why is bread uncountable? Als Mehrzahl habe ich „Treibräder” und „Triebräder” in der Eisenbahnliteratur gefunden. When you are trying to prove the opposite of one statement you have to define your statement. Short answer: use 'equipment', do not use 'equipments'. Why, exactly, does temperature remain constant during a change in state of matter? Plural form after “with” (common property of multiple objects), Deletion of Plural Forms in Business Names. Translator. Da warten nicht nur unzählige Räder, sondern auch neue Wörter auf dich. Beispiel: school → Lösung: school → schools. Analysis is a commonly used word in college writing. Neben Uhrzeiten sind auch Zahlen ein gängiges Thema für Fragen im Einstellungstest. . Niranjan, "Topographic Mapping of Hilly Terrain Using Total Station, "in Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering: Perspectives of Developing Countries (ACEDEC-2003) (New Delhi, 2003): Conventionally a map is prepared after doing field survey by using various equipments like chain, tape, theodolite and levels. How can I defend reducing the strength of code reviews? Praktische Beispielsätze. Though these equipments have much higher costs as compared to conventional surveying equipments. Falls man sich das nicht alleine zutraut, sollte man im Zweifel aber doch lieber auf einen Profi oder eben einen fertigen Gaming-Rechner zurückgeifen. Six of them were company names (Recognition Equipments Inc., Digital Equipments etc.) “Candidates should have at least four years of maintenance experience on the above equipments” (1962). why the まったく in the sentence implies negative, instead of positive. Deutsch - Kroatisch Übersetzung für opskrbljivanje. Übersetzung Spell check Synonyme Konjugation. Microsoft Word automatically marks equipments as a misspelling because in most instances it is not the right word to use. Long answer: in Modern Standard English, 'equipment' is a mass or non-count noun, like 'water' or 'traffic', which describes something that is somehow implicitly plural but doesn't have a plural form. An important thing about those examples – it seems most of them are classified ads, e.g. Automatisch ausgesuchte Beispiele auf Englisch: „She is known for her ultra-chic street style.And Kate Beckinsale made sure to jazz up even her casual workout gear when she stepped out for a bit of shopping in Los Angeles this Friday. in reference to various types of equipments In English, there are six sibilant consonants, namely /s z ʃ ʒ tʃ dʒ/. 'Google gives X million hits', 'Google Ngrams says that it is so': Google Search/Books/Ngrams are easy to misuse and draw several levels of unfounded conclusions from. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be equipments (nonstandard) e.g. However, reading the comments above, it seems that the OED has some exceptions. Plural, Singular - Übungen - Online Englisch Lernen im Internet. What’s the word (synonymous to “pour”) for describing the pouring of a solid substance? I generally avoid statements like "There is no such thing as X in English". .' What is the plural form of the word "equipment"? Only when craft is used to talk about skills or hobbies is the plural 'crafts' ever used. (1987) – see the original report here http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1918680. Is it correct to say "My teacher yesterday was in Beijing."? They also add that since in some cases “the existence of paired count and non-count senses is entirely predictable, so that it is not necessary for a dictionary to list both”. In my opinion, the diversity of cultures utilizing the English language in such a way that it it deviates from the mainstream establishment in a manner that is explicitly spelled out as. Most of the answers you have here are wrong. I think I said "may be a few obscure exceptions". There are instances where one has more than one set of these things, the many waters of the world. Some commenters suggested it might be used in cases when different types of equipment are meant. Definition, Rechtschreibung, Synonyme und Grammatik von 'Equipment' auf Duden online nachschlagen. Recorded on 9 February 1994, 3 come from JNN House of Commons Select Committee for Defence: meeting (Public/institutional). Veröffentlicht am 19. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "aber die Mehrzahl" – Englisch-Deutsch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Englisch-Übersetzungen. That is, it wouldn't make sense to have more than one equipment, since it describes a set of things already. Deutsch-Russisch Übersetzung für Mehrzahl . Mass nouns don't have plurals (except when they double as count nouns). Although there are a lot of collective nouns that can be used with -s or without and they mean different things. Aufgaben-Nr. Übersetze das Wort Messer in Englisch. Likewise army tech manuals continue to use the plural form, as in "Organizational, Direct and General Support, and Depot Maintenance Repair Parts and Special Tools Lists" (January 1968): g. Fifteen-Day Organizational Maintenance Allowances. The plural of bed is beds. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. GRIPS Englisch 39 Die Vokabeln der Lektion . Auf YouTube findet man zudem viele gute Tutorials zum Thema PC-Bau. entlehnt von gleichbedeutend englisch equipment „Ausrüstung“ Synonyme: 1) Ausrüstung, Gerätschaft, Geräte, Ausstattung, Zubehör Anwendungsbeispiele: 1) Das Equipment war für diese gefährliche Unternehmung nicht ausreichend. I think that both are possible although they would mean different things. Using the word “quota” in plural and singular. Example, authorized allowance for 51–100 equipments is 12; for 140 equipments, multiply 12 by 1.40 or 16.80 rounded off to 17 parts required. So you can't tell what is being counted. Another word for equipment. Das, was du einsetzen musst, steht am Ende des Satzes - … Equipment is collective noun and as such can be used in plural. Englisch-hilfen.de. Allerdings ist die Seite auf Englisch. Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch für Mehrzahl im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! ", Finally you take me there, Where i exactly want to go. 2 a. concr. The plural morpheme in English is a sibilant suffixed to the end of most nouns. So if you're climbing up a mountain and have a bunch gear to put away, just 'pack your equipment', don't use the plural. The term also comes up in connection with outfitting a ship for a voyage, as in this example from "Naval Report," in Niles' Weekly Register (December 10, 1814): Our ships are excellent, and all in good condition. So, are you also suggesting that "equipments" is a wrong word? oxen' or 'daisy, n. pl. Well, equipment's plural is rarely used. I mentioned the OED citations not as an answer, but as a comment on rudra's claim that 'there is no such word as "equipments"'. Also disproportionately represented in the recent Google Books results are books from India. Beispiele: [1] Das Equipment war für diese gefährliche Unternehmung nicht ausreichend. Sehr selten können beide Formen angewendet werden: scarf → scarfs/scarves; hoof → hoofs/hooves; Endet das Substantiv auf -ff wird -s angehängt.. Eine eindeutige Regel (-s oder -ves) gibt es bei Wörtern, die ein -f am Ende haben, nicht.1.5. Now, with The NY Times, things are a bit different. Folks is collective noun for group of people, while folks referring to collection of different groups of people. Sehr selten können beide Formen angewendet werden: scarf → scarfs/scarves; hoof → hoofs/hooves; Endet das Substantiv auf -ff wird -s angehängt.. Eine eindeutige Regel (-s oder -ves) gibt es bei Wörtern, die ein -f am Ende haben, nicht.1.5. Elsewhere in modern English-language publications, however, equipments is very rare indeed. Linguee. However if survey fieldwork cost and time is also included, then it is worth to purchase these costly equipments. All the new ships of each rate are of the same class, and are absolutely similar in all their equipments, and in the dimensional proportions of their hulls, masts, spars &c. This strict similarity should be carefully preserved upon every principle of convenience, economy and efficiency. Now, if you search the archives of the NY Times for 1851-2008, things are a bit different. One area where equipments remains in use is in discussions of military history—as for example in the Osprey Military series "Men-at-Arms," which includes such recent titles as Artillery Equipments of the Napoleonic Wars (1979), German Combat Equipments 1939–45 (1991), and British Infantry Equipments (2), 1908–2000 (2000). Long answer: in Modern Standard English, 'equipment' is a mass or non-count noun, like 'water' or 'traffic', which describes something that is somehow implicitly plural but doesn't have a plural form. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für replacement im Online-Wörterbuch dict.cc (Deutschwörterbuch). What is the correct plural form of “offspring”? That is, it wouldn't make sense to have more than one equipment, since it describes a set of things already. color:#777777; For example, from the court case of Savage v. Gulliver (March term, 1808), in Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Judicial Court, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, volume 4 (1808): The eighteenth section of the statute of 1793. c. 14, declares what arms and equipments each private soldier shall at all times be provided with. -ies'. (2007), The microphone was in place, and the synthesizer and other electronic equipments were turned on. In other words, there may be cases where "equipments" is OK; I just can't think of any. hobby Bedeutung, Definition hobby: 1. an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working: 2. an activity that…. Recorded on 9 February 1994. When we are speaking about fitness equipment and fishing equipment, we should use equipments. When talking about vessels the plural of craft (& compound forms of craft like aircraft) has no 's'. The classes are few, and so uni form that without inconvenience the masts, spars and equipments of any one of a class will serve indifferently for any other of the same class.