Tigatron and Airazor are in a state of suspended animation and are transformed into a new entity known as Tigerhawk who serves as an emissary of the alien race known as the Vok. Follow. 6:35. Monster Energy Supercross - The Official Videogame 4, Oprah With Meghan and Harry: A CBS Primetime Special. It seems logical for the Autobots to suspect the Decepticons, especially with a supposed witness around. Tap to unmute. We're starting off with episode 1, The Battle For Cybertron Part I! Meanwhile, Ratchet remembers his first encounter with Omega Supreme and grows frustrated with his uselessness to the Autobots, all while Megatron and the Decepticons enact … S3, Ep12. Episode List. Buy Transformers G1: Season 3 Episode 1 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. Episode 1. While Optimus struggles to survive after Megatron’s destruction of the Autobot base, the separated members of Team Prime try to reconnect. Part 1 of 5. Optimus is back, but with the Hate Plague spreading, there is no time to rejoice. Part 1 of 5. Two leaders, Optimus Prime and Megatron, both want to save their world and unify their people, but only on their own terms. However, he is suffering from amnesia and has no recollection of who he is or how he got there. Beast Wars: Transformers [Season 3 Episode 12]: Nemesis Part 1. The cartoon (along with the Marvel comics) set up the basic story of Transformers that most other incarnations were to follow: two warring factions of robots on the planet Cybertron leave in search of resources. more than meets the eye. However, unknown assailants put a damper the situation, and at Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike's expense at that. Check box if your review contains spoilers, Much has changed for the Transformers recently. Title Writer Original airdate Production code 1 Five Faces of Darkness, Part … Season Episodes Subtitle Originally aired Season premiere Season finale; 1: 18 None September 1, 2018 () December 29, 2018 () 2: 18 Power of the Spark: September 7, 2019 () January 4, 2020 () 3: 26 Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures: March 15, 2020 () June 7, 2020 () All seems to be going well for the heroes but from the shadows, Galvatron plots to divide the Autobot forces and reclaim Cybertron for himself! Gregory Swafford lures the Autobot team to Optimus' body and releases the Hate Spores. 2020 Battle For Cybertron I ... « Season 2 | Season 3 See also. Season: OR . Season 3. transformers prime season 1 episode 3 full - video Dailymotion Our fall TV preview concludes with a comprehensive guide to the new and... 2013 Fall TV Preview: Our Comprehensive Guide to the Season's New and Returning Shows. S3, Ep1. The war that has torn apart their home planet of Cybertron is at a tipping point. Beast Wars: Transformers season 3 episode 1 Optimal Situation : Realizing that without the Maximals she would never have existed, Blackarachnia actives the Ark's defenses and forces Megatron out of the ship. Episode 1. Transformers Season 1 episode 3 1/2. Transformers Prime Season 3 Episode 1: Rebirth. Error: please try again. During the war on Cybertron, Optimus Prime and a team including Bumblebee have left the planet to search for the AllSpark. it just feels more upto date, more exciting and cleaner. Episode Info. The Autobots try to warn Cybertron about the traitor in their ranks following Sari's shocking discovery. Unable to find any trace of the Ark or Optimus Prime, she manages to find her old friend Bumblebee. The factions crash-land on Earth and, millions of years later, begin their battle anew in Reagan-era America and across the globe. Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your... Find a list of the best recent and upcoming film and TV titles added to... Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. 15 Mar. The cartoon (along with the Marvel comics) set up the basic story of Transformers that most other incarnations were to follow: two warring factions of robots on the planet Cybertron leave in search of resources. Mon, Sep 15, 1986 30 mins. S03:E30 - The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 2. Team Prime now knows the location of MECH's base of operation and are ready to leave. It was a few hours after the Decepticons had established their residence on Earth. The Decepticons catch wind that the ancient artifact is on Earth, and leave to investigate, which forces Windblade to take a one-way space bridge journey there herself. Using the same Quintesson technology that brought Optimus Prime back to life, the Autobots have revived their fallen comrades and hold sizable forces on both Earth and their revitalized home planet, Cybertron. If you know someone who writes for a website or blog, show them our videos! Get a detailed look at every new and returning show coming to broadcast... 2012 Fall TV Preview: Our Night-by-Night Guide. Rebocil Gabuya. With Frank Welker, Peter Cullen, Corey Burton, Christopher Collins. We are busy working on the next episodes and don't have much time to publicise the material so that is what we need more than anything. *There are many people offering their help - thank you! While exploring by himself, Daniel is stuck in a dark room with robot corpses and gets appropriately creeped o… Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. The Vok set out to destroy Megatron. Certainly, though, the Autobots are in the best possible position of all, controlling Cybertron. SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW EPISODES!We've had a few requests to upload the first 3 episodes in a single video so here you go!SYNOPSIS: It is the year 2007. Season 3, Episode 1 Five Faces of Darkness - Part 1. Down but not out, Megatron discovers Tarantulas's secret tunnel network that … ... Full Set Wave 3-6 -Three Step Changers - Transformers Robots In Disguise - 4 Autobots 2 Decepticons. What's left of the ship can't support human life for long, however, so they take refuge on board the nearby Autobot Mausoleum, an interstellar tomb containing many of their deceased comrades, most notably the venerated Optimus Prime. Meanwhile, Cyclonus and Scourge want Galvatron back to lead them. Five Faces of Darkness - Part 1. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, Fall TV Preview: A Guide to New & Returning Broadcast Shows. Copy link. At the same time, MECH and the Director celebrate their grandest achievement. Time for chapter five of TFP S3 E1, that's short for Transformers Prime Season 3 Episode 1. Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast. Chapter 1: Director. We love you all! Transformers prime season 3 (beast hunters) episode 57 (part 1) Watch later. Certainly, though, the Autobots are in the best possible position of all, controlling Cybertron. Transformers Prime S03E01 Darkmount, NV - video Dailymotion Up Next. Post on Facebook, Twitter and message boards to get the word out as much as possible! 6:31. Share. Furipez. TV Schedule. The factions crash-land on Earth and, millions of years later, begin their battle anew in Reagan-era Americaand across the globe. In the aftermath of the battle at the mine, Sari and her father’s relationship takes a strange turn; the Autobots have their work cut out for them trying to contact Cybertron; and Megatron and Starscream find a new opportunity. Two opposing factions of transforming alien robots engage in a battle that has the fate of Earth in the balance. Playing next. Transformers Battle - Autobots Vs. Decepticons~! The Transformers continued in Japan as Transformers: The Headmasters with 35 new … Episode 1. s03e01 - Season 3, Episode 1; Transformers: War For Cybertron Show Summary. It seems logical for the Autobots to suspect the Decepticons, especially with a. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Much has changed for the Transformers recently. Some truth about this situation awaits on Charr, ensuring surprises and danger. In a state of panic Optimus Primal goes out to try and set the Vok straight and prevent the destruction of the time flow. However, unknown assailants put a damper the situation, and at Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike's expense at that. S03:E29 - The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1. Where to Watch. But one wasn't celebrating, as he feared that he made a … Transformers: Animated season 3 episode 1. On the run from Galvatron, Rodimus Prime, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, Kup, Spike and Daniel try the old "detonate three-quarters of the ship" trick to lose their pursuers. Shopping. Part 1 of 3. We are finally back with brand new episode reviews of Transformers Cyberverse Season 3! Transformers: Prime Season 3 Episode 1. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Five Faces of Darkness (1), Much has changed for the Transformers recently. Year: Season 3. Browse more videos. Plots generally centered on a Decepticon plot or invention of the week, which would be used to gat… If you would like to help out with our project, you can do so by spreading the word: Tell any and every G1 fan you know to check out our channel! Once established, the cartoon rarely took any steps to upset its status quo. Five Faces of Darkness - Part 1 The Transformers Season 3. Thank you all for your support! Once established, the cartoon rarely took any steps to upset its status quo. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Info. The Transformers season 3 episode 1 The Five Faces of Darkness (1) While everyone continues to rejoice in their victory, unknown assailants capture Ultra Magnus, Kup and Spike. Report. Things quickly descend from bad to worse for the Autobots when Detroit is menaced by new threats. A year after assuming leadership of the Autobots, Rodimus Prime hosts an intergalactic sporting event, which falls victim to an attack, resulting in the abduction of Spike Witwicky, Kup, and Ultra Magnus. 12 years ago | 24.4K views. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW EPISODES!We've had a few requests to upload the first 3 episodes in a single video so here you go!SYNOPSIS: It is the year 2007. its all change in the world of transformers, the feel of this box set is way different from the first 3 box sets. While celebrating a triumph, the Autobots are attacked by an unknown enemy. While celebrating a triumph, the Autobots are attacked by an unknown enemy. Season 3 and 4 of transformers is nothing like seasons 1 and 2! After being told by an alien, a group of Autobots suspect the Decepticons are the culprits. First Aired: September 15, 1986. If you see a comment on another YouTube video about G1, reply with a link to this video! Views: 13. The Autobots were scattered across the country, and Optimus had remained behind to prevent Megatron and his cronies from finding their locations.