FIXED: Processing without Pearl Costume FIXED: Close Warehouse for low resolution Screens, ADDED: Fishing Settings -> Captcha Delay Added new Languages: Traditional Chinese and Turkish (Many thanks to our customers who have had a tremendous help in translation) FIXED: Close Attendance Window FIXED: Marketplace Maid To Fix HP BAr Issue in Remasterd version: InGame -> Esc -> Edit UI -> Check "Custom HP Bar" -> Save, FIXED: Proccessing (TR, SA, SEA, THAI Regions) CHANGED: Now Player Tracking system as default is OFF, to use it please check it first parameter in WatchDog Tab. CHANGED: Processing: Now it work with bot translates: Ayeko and Falkmir ADDED: FEATURE: Fishing bot now can get event items with count 2 and more FIXED: Proccessing (after game update 2018-11-28) for all Game Regions, FIXED: Issuse with bot work, while autorize server have DDOS Attack FIXED: Autosell to Fish Trader FIXED: Transfer money to Warehouse IMPROVED: Harpoon Fishing, ADDED: New function: Passive Fishing. Add as many recipes as you want. Curabitur lobortis January 19, 2016. BDO Giveaway [Ended] Read more . Help-me to keep this website updated donating or disabling your adblocker! FIXED: Dry Fish ADDED: Horse Auction Function (Ctrl+0 as default) They also fixed the issue where you could not control your Ship if Vell was killed while performing the jump and dive attack that caused tidal waves. Learn more about BDO Easy Investment Plan. Added Time option to milk collection (time depends on the level of gathering skill). BDO1. FIXED: Processor consumption while bot setting is showing, FIXED: Fishing Dry Grade Show Hunt Boss? CHANGED: Now Bot support non-Latin Names of NPC for Autosell feature. CHANGED: Some system improvements, ADDED: Support Candy Event Items for EU / NA /JP servers CHANGED: Before bot close game or shutdown PC, bot send screenshot to telegram ADDED: New Event item (Drighan Seal) for KR Server CHANGED: Player Tracking System now Working for every resolution FIXED: Workers Repeat Turkish Server FIXED: Portuguese Client (Fishing), ADDED: Switch Fishing bench while harpoon fishing (Fishing bench give +100 manos fishing points) The bot system was able to do the work of what would have taken hundreds of employees thousands of hours. CHANGED: HOOKING modes, Now only 3 modes (Manual, Auto1, Auto2) - Auto1 differs from Auto2 by another detect algoritm FIXED: Tray menu issue ADDED: Horse OverWeight Function (Alt+0 as default) FIXED: Auction Helper (Own List) Added new preference: To Hp/Mana/Desert Hotkeys add keys F1-F10 FIXED: Imperial Trader AutoPath CHANGED: Before bot close game or shutdown PC, bot send screenshot to telegram Skyrim SE Mods - Skimpy BDO Valkyrie Venslar SE - CBBE - BHUNP - Physics 3BB SMP - posted in Nexus video-share: Skyrim SE Mods - Skimpy BDO Valkyrie Venslar SE - CBBE - BHUNP - Physics 3BB SMP This can lower speed work of auction bot. ADDED: RU Region (Russian Client) Support Added new Support: KR Server with unofficial client translate to Traditional Chinese by (KR-CN (Hope Place)) Our Black Desert Bot Working on next Official Servers: Europe, Japan, Korea, North America, Russia, SEA server, South America, Steam version, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey 2016-07-20 1.2.081 ADDED: Auto 3 to Hooking. Press Alt+7 to end Watch and Use HP/Mana Bottles FIXED: Harpoon fishing on SA (Esp) Server. Now bot check grade fish in all Loot Window slots (before only check for relics/keys/event) *WARNING*: Make sure Before start function u reset interface and hp/mana/energy is visible on default place CHANGED: Improved PTS Detection CHANGED: Speed up fishing function FIXED: Harpoon Fishing during new game interface (Korea), FIXED: Event Items: Evrug FIXED: Some glitches of Bot interface Added new Support: New relic event + support multiply catches this event fish automaticaly loot by bot. FIXED: Dry all fish for SEA and THAI servers ADDED: Now bot Save to LOG folder images with highlited detected objects ADDED: Terrmian Seal Added to Event Items (You can catch it in Terrmian Park) FIXED: Game Window Not found Bug FIXED: Fishing chair replace. FIXED: Workers Repeat on KOREA Server (after last update) FIXED: Fishing Rod Replace for certain type of rods ADDED: New function: Forward move (CTRL+8) FIXED: Not Closed equipment window, CHANGED: Changed HOTKEYS!!! ADDED: New event items: Fairy Wing (KOREA Server) FIXED: On/Off Auction Notice If we are unsure whether or not a feature is safe, we will not release it, simple as that. FIXED: minor bugs, ADDED: Terrmian Seal Added to Event Items (You can catch it in Terrmian Park) CHANGED: Overall System improvements ADDED: Bot can do screenshots of horse on auction. Destiny Child World Boss Guide 2020; Destiny Child Beginner Guide 2020; Epic Seven. Aenean et tempor eros, vitae... on Vivamus gravida. ADDED: To AutoSell Mount new parameter: None. Do Auto Dashes. En este sitio creado por fans y para fans, recopilamos información sobre el juego en español para toda la comunidad de habla hispana. FIXED: Desert Debuff FIXED: Change Harpoons, FIXED: Auction Confirmation Window CHANGED: Marketplace improvements Donate. REMOVED: Auction functionality New Fix sometimes walk character while fishing CHANGED: Now Notice window must be closed by bot during auction helper run FIXED: Processing NA/EU. FIXED: Eggs recognition (recognised as relic) CHANGED: Now after worker reuse bot open inventory (if inventory been opened before worker function start) ADDED: Now bot Save to LOG folder images with highlited detected objects CHANGED: Up Delays befor actions for AutoSell function it scans the mini-map to find nearby players. ADDED: New options: AutoPath TimeOut FIXED: Close attedance window after lastet Update If this select, character do not return to mount after do all autosell. FIXED: bot error while fishing (can be crash bot while user not update Events items selection after last bot update) - Added new settings: PAGE for material. CHANGED: Overall system improvements Improved function: Auction Helper for Armor/Weapon/Pear items: Now Bot check 4 item lines and try to buy it CHANGED: Loot recognition improvements Added ALL, if u selecting ALL, bot will be check all event items, so you no need to change it after bot update. - In this mode, Bot doesn't do minigame and emulate AFK fishing. FIXED: Harpoon Pause. Change items Fixed workers Reuse Function for Deutch client language, Improved rod recognitions BDO Tips [FR/EN/GE/ES], Gear, spawn BOSS, Note-patch.... and more Black desert online ... Last update: 30/01/2020 ATTENTION: If the bot does not respond, check your permissions IMPERATIVELY (roles)!bdo help for more information - EU/NA. FIXED: Workers reuse for TW server FIXED: Improved recognize of material out FIXED: Xigncode issue. Fix Workers For KR FIXED: Harpoon Fishing (After Game Maintenance)(KR), ADDED: New event item: 4th Anniversary Thanks, 4th Anniversary Love, Brilliant Crimson Fire Flower, FIXED: Processing (After Game Maintenance) Fix Bug with teamviewer/virtual machine (Bot is loosing game windows after teamviewer disconnect / virtual machibe deattach) Dear Users, please feedback about bot work to our discord. FIXED: List Pages During Processing I can pay but I'll want to try it out first. FIXED: Fishing Float Replace CHANGED: Swap rods function Please note: while new interface been added in the same date to all servers, so not to easy rewrite most count of code and test it in short time. When player is gone, it switches into Auto-Fishing Mode again. FIXED: Rod change for some users FIXED: Auction Bid for TAIWAN Server English Client, FIXED: Error 24775 ADDED: New Parameter: WatchDog Inventory Full If you still have Xingcode error after this update, please message to discord app, to support team about it. 4.1 Priority List for Absoluting/Rabam Once You Have All Main Skills Maxed; 5 Mystic PRE-56 PVE Combos: 6 Awakening PVE Rotation. CHANGED: Now Statistic show relics/keys/event items even you get all fish FIXED: Cure Desert Decease for all Regions FIXED: Captcha input Fix input captcha, then u have default language not English for AZERTY Bind, Recent Changes: Our Black Desert Bot Working on next Official Servers: Europe, Japan, Korea, North America, Russia, SEA server, South America, Steam version, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey FIXED: Telegram issue FIXED: Add new prevent Walk character instructions for fishing bot How color of Horse need to buy, default: Any FIXED: Fishing Japan Server English Translate (after last update) Originally written by Eminent (u/CadeGuitar), who generously published a Trading Guide in “Eminent’s Life Skill Guide“. ADDED: Auto Sell Fish to Trader BDO Community Discord - NA/EU community for chat, announcements, lore, guild recruitment, screenshots, and more. FIXED: Workers Reuse for English Client (EU/NA servers). CHANGES: Reworked `Cast Restart Time`. FIXED: Harpoon fishing for EU and NA servers (All supported languages) Last update: 30/01/2020 ATTENTION: If the bot does not respond, check your permissions IMPERATIVELY (roles)!bdo help for more information - EU/NA. Currently serving 1348 guilds, where 1328 guilds have had 21373 active members, and arranged 13505 events in the last 6 months! Posted on December 10, 2020 by . FIXED: Horse MarketPlace Helper CHANGED: New parameter: Cast Restart Time. FIXED: Bot test show parameters Finding Ways for SMEs. Fixed get items while in loot window more than 2 items Open Map). address. ADDED: New WatchDog For Telegram Bot: Auction Notice screenshot admin. CHANGED: Tuned up One item buy checking Enchanced Radar System. go golang black-desert-online bdo blackdesert blackdesertonline black-desert Updated Feb 11, 2020 *WARNING*: Make sure Before start function u reset interface IMPROVED: Fishing: captcha recognize speed ADDED: Auto Set Relic+Keys to Marketplace. Support ALL Games Resolutions include 4K (Beware: UI always 100%) *WARNING*: Make sure Before start function u have atleast 15% mana\hp\energy Added Envent Option, recognition Events Badges for KR. Fix Korean Language Translate (Many thanks to our customers who have had a tremendous help in translation) CHANGED: JAPAN ENGLISH Translate. FIXED: Processing KOREA server This well-received, 260 page guide has been added to and edited by me. FIXED: Fishing w Harpoon Japan Server English Translate (after last update). Recognizing God's image in the life of every child. FIXED: `Attedance close` function 11/04/2020 - Updated NA Schedule to PST Timezone.